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2023 | Sustainability Dining Report

Sustainability Dining Report, Our recipe for a better future 2022-2023


TABLE OF CONTENTS CEO’s Welcome 3 Pillar 2: Planet 22 About This Report 4 Energy and Water 23 Who We Are 5 Waste 24 Our Purpose 6 Carbon 25 Our Values 7 Sustainable Design 29 Our Sustainable Dining Journey 8 Progress on Our Goals: Planet 32 Our Commitments 9 Pillar 3: Plate 33 Our Goals 10 Health and Nutrition 34 Governing Sustainability 11 Sustainable Diets 36 Pillar 1: People 12 Sustainable Sourcing 38 Wellbeing, Reward and Recognition 13 Progress on Our Goals: Plate 42 Inclusion and Diversity 15 Sustainable Development Goals 44 Growing potential 16 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) 46 Community Wellbeing 18 Progress on Our Goals: People 21 SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 2

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CEO’S WELCOME Welcome to our latest Sustainable Dining sustainability initiatives and create positive As a result of this focus on sustainability Report, which serves as an update on impact. This cultural framework enabled us across the Group, we have been able to our Recipe For A Better Future goals, our to seamlessly embed our new food business make advances across our People, Planet framework for impact against three core which we welcomed into the Azzurri family: and Plate goals. Our Sustainable Dining pillars, People, Planet and Plate. It has been Boojum a Mexican burrito bar, operating Report has been updated to highlight a year since we have reframed our impact across 15 sites in Ireland. We are delighted our most signi昀椀cant – and proudest following this framework and we have much to have expanded not just our operations, - achievements, such as our evolving to share. but importantly our opportunity to build community partnerships, our sustainable During this year, we have continued to another food business that’s better for people restaurant designs and our 昀椀rst closed-loop evolve, despite signi昀椀cant social and and planet. food waste system. economic changes. We know that these Accountability has also been a key focus this Our determination to succeed and deliver global shocks affect all our stakeholders, year, as we double down on our governance on our Recipe For A Better Future goals from our supply chain partners, to our team processes for sustainability initiatives. We remains strong. This report highlights how we members and our customers, which is why have maintained a steadfast focus on are delivering on our ambitions and putting we are determined to prioritise our role in sustainability, with regular progress updates in place measures to overcome challenges, building better food businesses that sustain for our Azzurri Central core teams, as well whilst striving to continue to build better food happy, healthy lives. We strongly believe as our brands. I was delighted to be asked to businesses that deliver a positive impact for We’ve worked hard that our businesses are positioned to create chair the quarterly progress meetings for ASK our people and planet. this year to foster a positive impact for the people we employ Italian’s sustainable business approach, ‘Ask and the communities we serve, whilst being for Better’, allowing me to get closer to the culture of collaboration mindful of the resources we use. The need front line whilst creating space for our leaders and knowledge for our businesses to show leadership across to explore sustainability initiatives that have Steve Holmes these areas, and deliver the changes our potential to positively impact our communities Chief Executive Of昀椀cer sharing, to enable us people and planet need, is only becoming and environment. I have been inspired by the Azzurri Central Limited to drive forward our more pronounced. outcomes of those sessions, which include sustainability initiatives We know we will only achieve our goals behaviour change campaigns that reduce when our businesses work closely together. energy consumption in our restaurants, to and create positive We’ve worked hard this year to foster a new community impact structures and I am impact. culture of collaboration and knowledge committed to continue my role as a champion sharing, to enable us to drive forward our for ‘Ask for Better’ into 2024 and beyond. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 3

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ABOUT THIS REPORT Welcome to our sustainable dining report for our Financial Year 2022-2023. In this latest edition of our Sustainable Dining Report we’re excited to share the progress our Group has made in our last 昀椀nancial year, and provide an updated on the key initiatives we’re currently working on. Since launching our Recipe For A Better Future goals, we have aligned our efforts across ASK Italian, Coco Di Mama and Zizzi, sharing knowledge, resources and pooling contributions to have a positive impact across the dimension of People, Planet and Plate. This report summarises our impact against the goals we have set as well as where we are aiming to contribute to the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). We’ve also integrated the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics for food services into our reporting, so that we can be more transparent with our progress. Change is an ongoing process, and whilst we realise we have a long journey yet ahead of us the coming pages illustrate our story and impact. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 4

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WHO WE ARE WE’RE BUILDING BETTER FOOD BUSINESSES, DRIVEN BY DEDICATED TEAMS OF PEOPLE WHO PRIDE THEMSELVES ON BEING CONSCIENTIOUS, CURIOUS AND RESILIENT. We’re a team of more than 5,600 people, who serve 13 million meals a year across 200 restaurants and stores, including Zizzi, ASK Italian and Coco di Mama. For more information on our progress, check out our Annual Financial Report. They like things a bit different at Zizzi. There’s always ASK Italian is a family of 65 restaurants across the UK, Coco di Mama is the UK’s leading Italian-to-Go something to discover when you have a meal with Zizzi: connected by a love of Italy. They put their heart and operator with a vision to be the most-loved modern a menu packed with Italian-inspired dishes with twists soul into the details. Like the lemonade taster at the start Italian pasta brand. First opening over ten years ago and theatre, warm & natural restaurants with playful fun of your meal, an invitation to relax and unwind knowing in Fleet Street, Coco di Mama now has over 160 touches, and a team that make you feel like you’re among everything is taken care of. nationwide outlets, including 昀氀agship stores in London, friends. Zizzi doesn’t do good times, only Great Times. Their food always begins with inspiration from Italy – nationwide delivery kitchens and a retail partnership Zizzi 昀椀rst opened its doors and 昀椀red up its signature maybe an ingredient, a tradition or a well-loved dish. with Sainsbury’s . pizza ovens in Chiswick over 20 years ago. The idea The menu is as diverse as the people who come through Their award-winning menu is most famous for was simple: every time you dine with Zizzi, it should be their doors. From great Italian classics with added customisable pasta pots and specialty handcrafted for great Italian food (with a twist) enjoyed in a warm ‘wow’, to non-gluten pizzas and vegan swaps that even Allpress coffee, all served up fresh and superfast. They and rustic environment with fun touches to discover. the meat-eaters love. also serve a broad range of soups, salads, sandwiches, Today, there are a few more restaurants (over 130 in the sweet treats, and breakfast items to complete their all- UK & Ireland) but the Zizzi way remains the same. day menu. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 5

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OUR PURPOSE OUR MANIFESTO To build better food businesses We have a vision for a world that sustain happy, healthy lives. where food businesses are better. Better at being honest and truthful. Better at investing in people and communities. Better at taking risks to 昀椀nd out what works, so that we can OUR VISION hand on heart say we’ve done our bit to build better food businesses that sustain happy, healthy lives. We’ll need to work together and believe in each We’re serving better, with food other to get this right. To ask for help when we’re stuck, to talk through the times when we get it wrong and to be there for each other when it gets tough. We businesses that nourish the needs might even have a little fun along the way too! of our people, our customers, our But if we do succeed, if we do create a world where food businesses truly nourish the needs of people and planet, we’ll all be thriving for years partners, and our planet. to come. Because better food businesses means better opportunities for people. It means better care for our planet’s resources. It means a better future for everything and everyone. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 6

OUR VALUES Our essential ingredients, our beliefs, how we do things at Azzurri, to bring our Purpose and Vision to life. DO BETTER BE CURIOUS DON’T GIVE UP BE CARING BE YOU We are brave and conscientious. We are inquisitive, we ask the We are resilient, tenacious and We listen, we give our time, we look We come as we are. We’re warm We consistently look for better ways questions, we seek out the answers. driven. We keep going whatever out for each other. We embrace and and welcoming and don’t take to do things, improving how we work Our curiosity means we take challenges we face, meeting the value individuality. We create an ourselves too seriously. We work and the results we achieve. rounded and well thought through goals we set ourselves. environment for everyone to thrive, as one team, and we take pride decisions that make a tangible grow and progress. in all that we do. We like nothing difference. better than revelling in our work and enjoying our time together. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 7

OUR SUSTAINABLE DINING JOURNEY Since 2017, the Azzurri Group has embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming a more sustainable and responsible business. In 2022, we took a signi昀椀cant step forward by conducting a materiality assessment. This crucial evaluation aimed to sharpen our focus and chart a course for our long- term impact, culminating in the development of our ‘Recipe For A Better Future’ sustainability strategy. The materiality assessment was instrumental in pinpointing the most pressing environmental and social issues facing our Group. With the valuable input of both internal and external stakeholders, we identi昀椀ed 12 key impact areas. These areas became the foundation of our sustainability commitments and goals, forming the backbone of our strategy. To ensure our reporting remains aligned with evolving priorities and challenges, we conducted a materiality refresh exercise in 2023, which veri昀椀ed the continued relevance of our material topics. We will regularly review our material issues that inform our commitments and goals. Outlined on the following page, our commitments act as a vital link between our overarching purpose and our speci昀椀c sustainability objectives. They highlight our focus on the most critical aspects of our operations and set ambitious targets for the Group. To bring these commitments to life, we’ve established our 2030 Goals. These goals are designed as practical, action-oriented benchmarks that span the critical dimensions of people, planet, and plate, guiding our journey towards a more sustainable future. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 8

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OUR COMMITMENTS The commitments under our Recipe For A Better Future de昀椀ne our ambition to drive positive impact across the areas that are most important to our people and planet. WE FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS MOST PEOPLE PLANET PLATE Growing potential Energy, water & carbon Sustainable Diets Wellbeing, recognition & reward Waste Health & nutrition Inclusion & Diversity Sustainable Design & construction Sustainable Sourcing Community AND WE COMMIT TO Caring about our teams’ potential, Tackling climate change Making it easy for customers creating opportunities for every team to make informed choices that member to grow support their health and wellbeing Rewarding our team Actively cutting waste, particularly Promoting sustainable diets members fairly food waste and packaging through conscious menu design SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 9

OUR GOALS Our Recipe For A Better Future goals are designed to shift our ways of working and focus on serving better by impacting those areas that matter the most for our people and the planet. PEOPLE PLANET PLATE GROWING POTENTIAL CARBON, ENERGY AND WATER SUSTAINABLE DIETS By 2030 we will have helped 10,000 individuals enter By 2025 we will launch a robust environmental By 2025 we aim to provide the carbon footprint the job market through apprenticeships, internships, work management system, allowing us to monitor and set annual of items sold or listed in our brands’ menus. experience placements and job and life skills training. consumption reduction targets for energy and water. By 2030 we aim for at least 65% of the dishes listed By 2025 at least 70% of our positions will be 昀椀lled by internal By 2040 we will achieve net zero emissions on our brands’ menus to be low or very low carbon impact. candidates as we expand our training proposition to promote across our operations and supply chain. internal career mobility. WASTE HEALTH AND NUTRITION WELLBEING, REWARD AND RECOGNITION By 2025 all our out of restaurant packaging By 2025 all our kids’ menus will meet PHE targets will be widely recyclable. for sugar, salt fat and calories. By 2030 all employyes aged 18+ will receive pay that exceeds the national living wage. By 2030 we will have cut our food waste by 15%. By 2025 we will sign up to the Mental Health at Work SUSTAINABLE SOURCING Commitment and provide mental health training to 100% SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Building on our existing commitments to source sustainably of our leaders to develop supportive work environments. certi昀椀ed seafood, palm oil, free-range eggs and meat, By 2025 all new restaurants and restaurant 昀椀t-outs will be by 2030 we will also source sustainably certi昀椀ed rice, built to the standards set out in our new sustainable design sugar and coffee. COMMUNITY and construction policy. By 2030, we will be sourcing sustainably our uniforms, By 2025, we will provide all team members with volunteering Expanding on our existing zero-to-land昀椀ll commitment, paper products, and work with suppliers who use sustainable opportunities, investing 100,000 volunteer hours in local by 2025 we aim to send zero waste to land昀椀ll from 100% alternatives to soy in animal feed and avoid the routine use of communities by 2030 restaurant 昀椀t outs and new builds. prophylactic antibiotics. By 2030, we will donate half a million meals to people in need By 2030, we will invest in diverse and resilient supply chains by increasing spending with local suppliers by 10% and INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY increasing spending with suppliers from minority backgrounds and sustainably certi昀椀ed organisations by 20%. By 2025 we will be a signatory to BITC’s Race at Work charter and build out our full diversity and inclusion strategy. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 10

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GOVERNING GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE SUSTAINABILITY Azzurri Central Our Recipe For A Better Future is embedded in our Adrian Vickery, Head of Property Groups’ deliverables. In the past year, our teams have Claudia Candiotto, Head of Responsible Business worked together to engrain our commitments and goals Jane Bon Bernard, People Director in our governance systems, improving accountability Kieran Pitcher, Commercial & Property Director throughout our business’ structure. Lucy La Rana, Head of Quality & Safety Stefan Porter, Purchasing & Supply Chain Director Since creating the Responsible Business department in Azzurri Central in October 2021, our sustainability strategy is being championed by ASK Italian 16 leads across the Group. Each of our brands has set up their own Amita Patel, Head of People sustainability governing bodies. ASK Italian has launched Ask For Better, its own sustainability strategy driven by an internal committee led by Steve Corinne Prior, Marketing Director Holmes, the company’s CEO. Zizzi has integrated sustainability progress Jan Dalton, Operations Director in its purpose roadmap, 昀椀rst launched in Spring 2023 and now part of the Matthew Gray, Finance Director business’ deliverables. And Coco Di Mama continues to enforce decisions and pursue change through the ‘Changemakers’ Group. To improve internal accountability, we set 昀椀nancial bonus links to our Coco di Mama sustainability metrics for key Azzurri Central departments. We introduced Jim Attwood, Managing Director a control system to frequently review KPIs for each brand. We run annual Keyana Mohammadi, Interim Head of Brand environmental, social and governance risk assessments that feed into the Group’s annual risk assessment process reviewing salient issues and assigning suitable short and long-term actions. We have also championed Zizzi cross-working groups to address salient issues, such as human rights. Harry Heeley, Managing Director These governance measures help us keep focused on our Recipe For A Kathryn Turner, Food Development & Food Better Future. We work through challenges together, to ensure that we keep Paul Dunford, People Director moving the needle and challenge ourselves to be better, so that all our Phil Boyd, Operations & Strategic Projects Director businesses can contribute to having a positive impact on people and planet in a way that most re昀氀ects their unique values and identity. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 11

PILLAR 1 PEOPLE Hospitality touches the lives of many people in lots of different ways. For Azzurri, the experience of eating out reaches far beyond the four walls of our kitchens and our restaurants. We’re here to create food businesses that are as unique and individual as the people that run and visit them. That’s why our commitment to nurturing a diverse and inclusive environment is at the forefront of our business strategy. We understand that our success is deeply rooted in the well-being, growth, and satisfaction of our employees, partners, and customers. By fostering a culture that values every individual’s unique contributions and perspectives, we aim to enrich the dining experience and positively impact the communities we serve.

WELLBEING, REWARD & RECOGNITION We want to reward and recognise our team members for contributing to an engaging and healthy working environment. In the past year, we have posed ourselves the challenging question of de昀椀ning wellbeing for our brands. We have attempted to tackle the aspects of physical, 昀椀nancial and mental wellbeing that we believe will create a healthier working culture and environment. The UK, and the rest of the world, has been We also re-evaluated our reward scheme grappling with a challenging economic for restaurant-based teams in preparation for outlook for some time. In this dif昀椀cult context, the new ‘Allocation of Tips Act’ to become our brands have had to rede昀椀ne how to law in 2024. We have always complied 84% of our team support our team members’ wellbeing in a with best practice around Tips and Tronc and members’ take home challenging operating environment. While have been ahead of legislation by ensuring 84% of our team members’ take home pay that every single penny paid in tips by our pay already exceeds already exceeds the living wage, and Azzurri customers is passed on to our teams. To the living wage Central and Coco Di Mama’s team members’ challenge ourselves in relation to the new Act, pay is above the London Living Wage, we we have interrogated the fairness of our Tronc acknowledged the impact of in昀氀ation on schemes, which manage how tips are shared meeting basic needs. We endeavour to keep and paid amongst our restaurant teams. rewarding our team members fairly, and At Azzurri, we believe in a One Team where possible, continue to take steps to approach, and that every team member in award pay increases in line with in昀氀ationary our restaurants plays a key role in delivering rates as we have done in 2023 a great customer experience, no matter This is just part of our journey to ensuring their Job Title. As a result of our review, and that all our team members who are above following consultation with our Tronc Masters, 18 years of age take home pay exceeds the we have agreed to a minor change to our national living wage. Tronc schemes to ensure all roles receive an equal allocation of the available tips. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 13

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      Taking care of our team members on-site is critical. Our Health Azzurri Central launched a collaboration with The Burnt Chef 66% of managers and leaders & Safety team continues to monitor and embed a culture of Project providing mental health awareness training to leaders. at Azzurri have participated safety in our restaurants. They are also responsible for the Azzurri has now offered this training to 66% of its leaders, in annual update of our ‘Fitness to Work’ online training to addition to welcoming three Mental Heath First aiders and in Burnt Chef’s mental make sure it is 昀椀t for current needs. In addition to this, since holding a wellbeing breakfast for team members focussed on health awareness training launching our 2030 Goals, our brands have been working best practice sharing amongst teams. towards improving our mental health programmes. Our teams Our brand’s investment in their people has paid off, with an have responded positively, especially to the release of a new increase in 2023 engagement scores for Azzurri, ASK Italian and ‘Mental Health and Wellness’ training via our e-learning Zizzi, compared to the previous reporting period. Our brands platform. The training has been provided as an optional course are further challenging themselves to create positive change – for those interested in deepening their understanding of the by expanding The Burnt Chef Project and setting up wellbeing topic and taking action. Team members across Azzurri Central, working groups. We are starting 2024 with bigger and bolder ASK Italian, Zizzi and Coco Di Mama have spent over 1,000 plans to support, recognise and reward our team members. hours on these modules. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 14

      INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY We are committed to nurturing a culture where diversity is celebrated, individuality is respected, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive and progress. In our businesses, valuing individuality is a core principle, embodied in Azzurri’s ‘Be You’ and Zizzi’s ‘Individuality’ values. This ethos is embraced across our Group, In 2024, we will work towards a Level 2 Reporting on our gender pay gap on an because we recognise the strength in our Disability Con昀椀dent certi昀椀cation, and hope annual basis gives us insight, enabling us to team members’ diversity. Our collective to welcome more Able Interns. challenge ourselves and agree actions for differences and experiences are what meaningful change. make us stronger, enabling us to build more Azzurri Central is a Across the Group we’re proud of the people innovative and successful food businesses. Disability Con昀椀dent who care deeply, look out for each other, In 2023, Azzurri Central launched its 昀椀rst and Committed Level and work together to be the best that they Inclusion team member resource group, can be. There are still areas where we want hosting events to celebrate team diversity 1 employer, working to make meaningful progress, and in 2024 and start conversations about inclusivity towards a level 2 we look forward to broadening our working in the workplace. Plans for 2024 include groups to our brands, as well as capturing expanding this group to our brands to deepen certi昀椀cation in 2024 more detailed feedback from team members connections and share insights. Supporting to inform future action plans. this journey, our updated training modules Being inclusive employers also requires Alongside our internal plans, we are also on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity have seen an understanding of our team members’ taking action in our communities such as high engagement, with 92% of team members needs. Following an audit of our internal ASK Italian’s introduction of braille menus across ASK Italian, Azzurri, Coco Di Mama, practices around Modern Slavery, we have in restaurants. In 2024, we will expand our and Zizzi completing the e-learning course. reviewed all our policies to ensure that they initiatives and continue learning alongside Azzurri Central is now also a Disability are up to date and legally compliant , whilst our teams and partners. Con昀椀dent and Committed Level 1 employer. considering the welfare of our teams. Achieving this certi昀椀cation has been the Our team members’ welfare is also detailed Our newly introduced result of a thorough review of how we in our Gender Pay Gap report. In our latest Diversity, Inclusion recruit, retain and develop disabled talent. report for ASK Italian, Zizzi and Coco Di In 2023, we proudly participated in the Mama, we noted an increase in female and Equity e-learning 10,000 Able Interns Programme pilot, to representation in all quartiles measured was taken by 92% of address the underrepresentation of disabled and shared how each brand will address talent within UK industries. imbalances in our businesses. team members SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 15

      GROWING POTENTIAL At Azzurri, we’re dedicated to cultivating talent. We believe in empowering our team with training, development, and career opportunities that foster con昀椀dence and support long-term growth. Our values are the core of our business. This Prioritising internal talent development year, we’ve conducted culture workshops is a key focus for our Group. We’re and events across the Group to make sure dedicated to achieving our ambitious target everyone understands our ethos, whether of 昀椀lling 70% of our vacancies with our seasoned employees or newcomers. current employees. To support this, we’ve Zizzi has been a frontrunner in creating stable signi昀椀cantly enhanced our training and ‘family trees’ and ‘rivers of talent’, following development programs throughout the a rede昀椀ned company purpose and updated Group. Our e-learning platforms have been values. With a focus on ‘uniting, inspiring, updated to be more interactive and user- Dedicated to investing and ful昀椀lling’, Zizzi has revamped its people friendly, aligning with the evolving learning in our talent and 昀椀lling strategy. This includes engaging team members preferences of our team members. through workshops, re昀椀ning recruitment We have also created opportunities for 70% of vacancies with processes, and aligning them with our ethos. members of marginalised communities. current employees A key strategy has been upskilling Coco Di Mama, for instance, continues its restaurant leaders to cultivate the right partnership with Change Please, a social work environment, aligning with our new enterprise that helps homeless people (or values and purpose. those at high risk) to enter the hospitality industry through barista training. For the Zizzi’s ‘step up programmes’ are tailored to second year running, we hosted a week- help team members advance into new roles, long work placement and subsequently ranging from supervisory to managerial hired ten individuals nominated by Change Invested in positions. We’ve also enhanced our internal Please into permanent roles. management and communication tools, which improving now include tablets for leaders, to streamline our e-learning communications and performance tracking. resources and career pathways SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 16

      Similarly, ASK Italian has also explored team members through its partnership with The role involves supporting the creation Opening doors for partnerships with organisations that aim Novus, a charity that builds con昀椀dence and and monitoring of apprenticeship standards, candidates to join to 昀椀nd employment for individuals from creates opportunities for individuals who ensuring high standards across our Group marginalised communities. The past year has have served time in prison. and helping to break down barriers and us from charities been about building these relationships and Our teams at Azzurri Central continue to support individuals who wish to 昀椀nd a career such as Novus and identifying avenues for scalability. As a result expand our apprenticeship programmes, in our industry. In 2024, we are preparing of these searches for talent, ASK Italian with over a dozen individuals undertaking to welcome more interns to our head of昀椀ces Change Please has deepened its relationship with Only their apprenticeship training. Our Education as part of our summer internship programme a Pavement Away, improving recruitment & Apprenticeship Manager is also part of and we are increasing apprenticeship pathways for individuals with mental health the Hospitality & Catering Trailblazers. placements across the Group. needs and ASK Italian has welcomed three SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 17

      COMMUNITY WELLBEING We are building close ties with our communities across our business, recognising the importance for our restaurants and stores to be connected and part of everyday local experiences. Through our 2030 Goals, we will invest Food poverty is a cause that ASK Italian in our communities through dedicated is invested in too. As part of the launch of volunteering and in-kind donations. We have Ask for Better (ASK Italian’s sustainability worked with people across our businesses strategy), ASK Italian has redirected all its to identify the most meaningful activities fundraising efforts to support food banks, that support those most in need in our partnering with the Trussell Trust and local communities and address challenges faced foodbanks. This is part of a long-term plan to by our business and the local community, empower the teams in our restaurants to give such as food waste and redistribution. to local causes they feel passionately about, We collectively donated over £120,650 to Each of our brands has embraced unique either through volunteering, food donations charities across the UK such as The Mental ways to connect with local communities. or fundraising via our partners at Pennies. Coco Di Mama has continued to partner Fundraising through Pennies enables Zizzi to Health Foundation, Choose Love, Not a with the Felix Project, so that unsold food raise funds for the Mental Health Foundation. Phase, London Youth and The Trussel Trust ends up in the hands of those who can still Zizzi has raised over £65,000 for the appreciate it. The team has also enjoyed Mental Health Foundation, supporting their volunteering with the charity and braved work to raise awareness and provide support the coldest months to distribute meals on mental health and wellbeing. in-person. Azzurri Central also donated As a Group, we have collectively donated meals, converting perishable Christmas over £120,650 between the end of July gifts to charitable donations. This is in 2022 and end of June 2023, thanks to our addition to the Group’s partnership with brands’ direct contributions and fundraising BestFoods and Fareshare, to enable the efforts via Pennies. As our next case study distribution of surplus food in our supply depicts, we believe we can help create chain to our communities. Thanks to a better future for all, one where we give these joint efforts we have delivered over our time, share our resources and create 13,000 meals to people in need in the past opportunities to grow together. 昀椀nancial year. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 18

      FROM STRANGERS TO COLLEAGUES: Evolving our approach to community engagement with London Youth BACKGROUND EVOLVING OUR APPROACH In 2022, we set out to 昀椀nd a partner that We started small and evolved to a multifaceted impact approach. would enable our teams at Azzurri Central to create stronger ties with our local communities. Donations Job and Life Skills Volunteering Internships With a central of昀椀ce based in London and a Team members from our Supply Our award winning Digital team Our teams volunteered 233 hours, and Work Experience growing team member base of young people, Chain and Finance department have signed up to support London equivalent to ~30 working days, we found an incredible synergy with London joined forces to raise £10,000 Youth’s annual Digital Talent to supporting London Youth. One Having learned from our experience Youth, a charity dedicated to empowering for London Youth by organising programme that supports young of our most in-demand activities of running Inspire Days, we are young people. London Youth operates a fundraisers in the of昀椀ce and people from underrepresented is helping London Youth maintain setting the groundwork to welcome network of over 400 community organisations running the Royal Parks Half backgrounds begin their careers in Woodrow High House, a facility our 昀椀rst London Youth interns in 2024. Marathon. We have also digital, data and tech sectors. that helps over 7,000 young people Adding to our roster of career entry helping tens of thousands of young people opportunities that have enabled 4 develop the con昀椀dence and skills needed to donated the equivalent of our Our teams host the ‘Digital Inspire’ a year experience the outdoors as interns to joins us in the past summer succeed and overcome barriers. annual team members’ Christmas portion of the programme, spending well as build con昀椀dence, resilience from 10,000 Black interns, Able and gifts to London Youth, helping a day sharing insights on all the ways and relationship skills. We sent Saltire programmes, as well as the 8 Together we work on promoting inclusive and provide 1,500 hot meals across that tech is deployed in the business, our most giving team member to work experience placements we have sustainable growth opportunities in the city. 20 youth centres during the what a typical day looks like and help out and our own Property run for secondary-aged students and We have channelled our teams’ goodwill into Christmas period. offering advice on how to get into department has further supported the 17 apprentices that are currently sustaining London Youth’s programmes, putting the sector. the Woodrow team with planning in training at Azzurri Central. successful maintenance projects. the ‘fun’ back in fundraisers for the charity and using volunteering days both to improve 1,500 40 233 8 team bonding and London Youth’s facilities. hot meals provided hours invested in hours volunteered work experience placements We have learned that we can be a positive delivering Azzurri’s force in our communities by facilitating young Digital Inspire programme people’s journey to their 昀椀rst job, assisting with 20 ~30 17 life skills training and creating employment youth centers work days apprentices in training opportunities. We are now preparing to welcome our 昀椀rst intern cohort from London Youth, welcoming as colleagues those young people that were strangers not so long ago. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 19

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      OUR IMPACT THIS FANTASTIC PARTNERSHIP HAS ALLOWED US TO: » Cultivate community ties by engaging our employees in local charity events like the Royal Parks Half Marathon, enhancing our communal spirit and generating substantial funds to support youth development. » Enhance educational opportunities by WE’RE THRILLED TO CELEBRATE A FANTASTIC YEAR OF COLLABORATION WITH LONDON YOUTH TO SUPPORT supporting the creation of meaningful outdoor YOUTH ORGANISATIONS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ACROSS LONDON. learning experiences for youth. » Inspire future careers by providing a glimpse into the corporate world, allowing young individuals to envision their future professional For me, working outdoors and doing This remarkable year of partnership between paths within Azzurri and the restaurants industry something different, that helps the community, Azzurri and London Youth proves the power of more generally. is fantastic for my wellbeing. It’s also great collaboration in making a positive change in to spend time with other teams and people the lives of young people in our city. We are » Fostering professional growth by creating from the of昀椀ce who I wouldn’t normally work incredibly grateful for Azzurri’s dedication and internship and work experience placements for with. Woodrow High House is a beautiful support, and we’re looking forward to continuing 2024, aimed at equipping young people from and peaceful place to go. It’s always nice our journey together to ensure young people will spending time there. always have somewhere to go, something to do grassroots organizations with skills and exposure and someone to trust. to advance their careers. Jon Lee London Youth » Nurturing well-being through nourishment Azzurri Group Volunteer Representative through donating to ensure that hot meals reach - young individuals across youth clubs during Christ mas, demonstrating our commitment to combating food poverty and supporting community welfare. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 20

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      PROGRESS ON OUR GOALS: PEOPLE WELLBEING, REWARD INCLUSION AND RECOGNITION AND DIVERSITY » By 2030 all adult employees’ will receive pay that ex- » By 2025 we will be a signatory to BITC’s Race ceeds the national living wage. at Work charter and build out our full diversity and inclusion strategy. » By 2025 we will sign up to the Mental Health at Work Commitment and provide mental health training to 100% of our leaders to develop supportive work environments. GROWING POTENTIAL » By 2030 we will have helped 10,000 individuals enter the job market through apprenticeships, internships, work experience placements and job and life skills training. COMMUNITY » By 2025, we will provide all team members with volun- » By 2025 at least 70% of our positions will be 昀椀lled by teering opportunities, investing 100,000 volunteer hours in internal candidates as we expand our training proposition local communities by 2030. to promote internal career mobility. » By 2030, we will donate half a million meals to people in need. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 21

      PILLAR 2 PLANET In this section, we’ll share our progress on energy, waste, sustainable design and carbon as we continue to build better food businesses. From opening SKA gold rated sustainable restaurants, to collaborating with our partners to make pizza dough a circular process, our teams have been making consistent progress.

      ENERGY AND WATER As the global energy crisis continues to bite, we’ve heightened our focus on energy ef昀椀ciency. Under our Recipe For A Better Future strategy, we have doubled down on our efforts, setting annual energy reduction targets and improving our data management systems. In 2023, we introduced a new energy Our energy winners at Zizzi York spent a management dashboard. First implemented in day with the Wildlife Trust helping restore Zizzi restaurants, this tool helps us to identify peatlands in northern England. Through this how we use our energy and where we can be partnership, the teams also learnt about more ef昀椀cient. By 2024, we plan to extend carbon sequestration and how saving energy the dashboard to ASK Italian and Coco Di contributes to tackling climate change. Mama. We’re strengthening the dashboard’s These efforts led to a 6.4% reduction data with Mindsett, an asset energy in Zizzi’s energy use, and a collective We saved the energy monitoring tool, which helps us conduct reduction of 760,000 kWh by ASK Italian energy audits and test equipment ef昀椀ciency. and Zizzi, equivalent to the energy used to equivalent of cooking Whilst energy monitoring tools provide data, serve 1.1 million pizzas annually. 1.1 million pizzas annually we know that it’s changes in behaviour that As well as energy, we’re also focused on will help us reduce our energy consumption reducing our water usage. In 2023, we in our restaurants. So we ran targeted tested smart water meters at 昀椀ve sites ahead campaigns to encourage energy ef昀椀cient of a wider rollout in 2024 to our Zizzi behaviours. ASK Italian achieved year- and ASK Italian restaurants. Coupled with on-year energy reductions through weekly the rollout, we are planning to replicate communications and competitive reduction the success of our energy awareness and league tables. Zizzi’s ‘Watts! The plan for behaviour change campaigns, with a focus electricity usage?’ campaign distributed on water so that we can continue minimising on-site resources and challenged restaurants the impact of our operations on the planet. to cut their energy usage, rewarding the winning team with a volunteering day focused on environmental conservation. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 23

      WASTE We’re a zero-to-land昀椀ll business with a 99% waste diversion rate. We’re improving and innovating our waste management practices at a global and local level, together with our restaurants and waste management partners. This past year, we pushed ourselves to 昀椀nd We believe that engaging our team in new ways to reduce our impact. In 2023, waste reduction is vital, regardless of we launched new takeaway packaging whether waste contracts are managed across ASK Italian and Zizzi, now meeting by Azzurri or our landlords. We want all our goal of providing 100% widely our team members to be advocates for recyclable takeaway packaging across our waste reduction, so we have launched brands. This packaging can be recycled with new e-training for all our team members more than 75% of councils in the UK, making and conducted waste audits at our waste it easier for more people to recycle. We are management sites and with restaurants. closing the gap with our out-of-restaurant Our efforts have been recognised, and packaging, such as the Coco Di Mama we’re proud of our Green Apple award Our takeaway packaging fresh sandwiches available in Sainsbury and for recycling and our National Recycling for ASK Italian and Zizzi is Zizzi’s retail lines, moving us closer to our Award for creating a circular waste loop 100% goal by 2025. with our pizza production. now 100% widely recyclable Working towards our 100% recyclable Reducing our food waste further is our priority packaging goal has also given us the for 2024. Coco Di Mama has entered a opportunity to explore other sustainable partnership with Olio to redistribute surplus packaging options. We have created new food within communities, avoiding waste, purchasing guidelines for our buyers and and we are closely monitoring our operations suppliers. We have worked with our existing in our ASK Italian kitchens to optimise our suppliers to improve our current packaging. ingredients’ use and understand how we For instance, we transitioned our pasta bowls could reduce our food waste further. Our new widely from a recyclable plastic product to paper- These initiatives build on our existing recyclable pasta based packaging, eliminating 48 tonnes of initiatives, including turning our cooking plastic a year from our supply chain. We also oil into biodiesel with our partner, Olleco bowls helped redesigned our pizza takeaway boxes to and maintaining high recycling rates in us eliminate 48 reduce cardboard, saving over 145,000m2 - the equivalent of 16 football pitches. our restaurants. tonnes of plastic SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 24

      CARBON At Azzurri, our pledge to combat climate change is unwavering. Understanding the pivotal role businesses play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we are steadfast in our commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040. We’re actively building a more sustainable future, starting with our founding membership in the Zero Carbon Forum in 2020. Since joining the Zero Carbon Forum, we have diligently worked to understand and minimise our environmental impact. We are focusing on quantifying our impact through carbon accounting and this report provides an update on our emissions for the 昀椀nancial years 2022 and 2023, analysed by Zero Carbon Services. Our methodology As part of our learning journey, we have worked with our partners at Zero Carbon Services to re昀椀ne our reporting methodology, aligning it with UK industry best practices and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The consistency of the past two 昀椀nancial years, without a global pandemic, offers a more accurate re昀氀ection of our true business size and impact. We have also introduced a hybrid model consisting of analysing data provided directly by our suppliers, analysed through Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), and obtained through a spend analysis. Despite these improvements in our methodology, we acknowledge that we are on a journey and expect our data maturity to improve year on year, as we work with suppliers to strengthen our data inputs and improve our understanding of our supply chain’s impact. The next few pages present our carbon footprint with our most up to date calculations. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 25

      Our Footprint TOTAL GHG EMISSIONS PER £1M TURNOVER Intensity (tCO e / £1m turnover) 2 Over the 昀椀nancial year 2022-2023, the Azzurri Group not only experienced a robust recovery but also expanded its horizons by opening additional restaurants and expanding our brands’ retail offerings. Amidst this period of growth, 2022 349 we achieved a reduction in our carbon emissions, both in absolute terms and in intensity relative to our turnover. 2023 315 -10% REDUCTION Notably, our emissions intensity saw a signi昀椀cant 10% decline over the year, marking an important milestone in our journey towards sustainability. This achievement underscores our 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 capability to pursue growth while simultaneously reducing our environmental footprint, heralding a promising future where we can serve more consumers across the UK & Ireland with GHG EMISSIONS signi昀椀cantly lower emissions. 2022 2023 The reduction in our absolute emissions was primarily driven by strategic interventions within our supply chain. Scope 1 Scope 1 Despite the challenges of managing increasing emission tCO2e tCO2e factors linked to energy use, our concerted efforts to lower 5.2 5.3 energy consumption across our operations have borne fruit. Moreover, we are aggressively pursuing the integration of renewable energy sources into our electricity mix, with a 昀椀rm Scope 2 Scope 2 tCO2e tCO2e goal to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2025. 6.6 7.0 Additionally, our commitment to sustainability is evident in the decarbonization of our restaurant kitchens. By adopting electricity-powered equipment, such as induction hobs and electric ovens in our new outlets, we are paving the way for a Scope 3 future that moves away from gas reliance. Scope 3 tCO2e tCO2e 68,863 70,553 The revision in reported total Scope 1 emissions from last year to this year re昀氀ects improved data accuracy and our commitment to transparent environmental reporting. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 26

      Our biggest emission reductions in 2023 occurred in Scope SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 3, where enhanced supplier collaboration improved both data accuracy and decision-making. Our transition to widely recyclable packaging has reduced our ‘end-of-life’ emissions, and our continuous work to reduce waste has also yielded 2022 emission reductions. However, our biggest win has been in our food category, where we increased vegan options and Legend for Scope 3 emissions areas diversi昀椀ed our meat options, reducing the overall impact of red and reductions achieved in our 昀椀nancial meat in our footprint. Whilst we still see dairy as an important 4% year 2023 versus 昀椀nancial year 2022 area for us, we have been following the decarbonisation 5% efforts of this industry and are proud to work alongside 85% Purchased Goods & Services ↓ suppliers committed to achieving net zero emissions. 3% 1% Capital Goods We are excited to have reduced our emissions whilst growing 1% as a business. We have celebrated the smallest wins, conscious Fuel & Energy Related Activities ↓ that even shaving even a few tons off our emissions total, is the 1% result of a lot of hard work from our teams and our suppliers. 0% Commuting The challenge to continue reducing emissions remains, especially as we open new restaurants and embrace our Upstream Transportation acquisition of Boojum. In spite of that challenge, we have started 2024 with big plans to explore opportunities for further 2023 Downstream Transportation ↓ emissions reductions. We’re thankful that our performance in 2023 demonstrates that reducing emissions is possible and Business Travel ↓ that we are on the right track to achieve our net zero carbon emissions by 2040 goal. 5% Sold Products End-of-Life ↓ 5% Waste ↓ 83% 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 27

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      AZZURRI ROADMAP TO NET ZERO REDUCING WASTE COLLABORATING By 2030 we will have reduced FOR THE GREATER GOOD our food waste by 15% based We will continue to work with the on 2022 baseline levels. 2030 Zero Carbon Forum, suppliers and other partners to solve wicked problems that affect our industry. A NEW ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Put power in our people’s hands by 2025 by providing resources to monitor energy consumption and introducing incentivised GREEN ENERGY annual consumption reduction targets. By 2030 Azzurri sites 2040 IMPROVED will be powered by 100% PACKAGING renewable energy. By 2025 all of our takeaway packaging will be widely recyclable. PLATES WITH A PURPOSE By 2030 65% of Azzurri brands’ menus will consist of low or very 2025 low carbon options. RAISING EXPECTATIONS We will introduce new criteria to our SUSTAINABLE sourcing processes by 2025 to partner MENU CREATION with suppliers committed to reducing their By 2025 all of our brands will own carbon footprint. integrate carbon accounting to menu planning. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 28

      SUSTAINABLE DESIGN At Azzurri, we recognise that opening future-ready, sustainable restaurants is a vital step in our journey towards environmental stewardship. Recognising the burgeoning impact of the construction industry on climate change, particularly in the context of the UK where the built environment signi昀椀cantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, we are committed to leading the way in more sustainable design. Our innovative approach not only reduces This site’s transformation has achieved a our carbon footprint but also sets a new remarkable 30% reduction in energy usage, standard for sustainability in the hospitality through upcycling (e.g. furniture and tiles), sector. Since 2022, we have revolutionised sustainable fabric choices and energy- our restaurant designs, aligning them with the ef昀椀cient equipment. It’s also our 昀椀rst fully We have highest standards of sustainability. It has led electric site for ASK Italian. revolutionised our us to implement a robust sustainable design We’re keen to share our sustainability stories policy, which makes sure all refurbishments with our customers too. Through informative restaurant designs, and new openings are consistent with the best tags attached to furniture in our ASK Italian aligning them with practices in construction and design. restaurants, we can showcase the sustainable We are proud to utilise RICS SKA choices we have made in our designs. the highest standards assessment’s criteria, relying on a of sustainability comprehensive sustainability accreditation By implementing our new design policy, we built on hundreds of industry-best practices have challenged our team and partners to aimed at minimising the environmental look at the way we source, reuse and specify footprint of our construction projects. our 昀椀xtures and 昀椀ttings across the estate, This journey began with the our 昀椀rst SKA ensuring that we welcome our customers into gold rating at ASK Italian in Horsham, restaurants that re昀氀ect our commitment to followed by similar accolades for Coco Di creating a better future. Having launched this Mama in Reading and Zizzi in Leeds. Our practice in 2023, we have now met the goal commitment doesn’t stop at new projects. we set in 2022 ahead of schedule. From now We have integrated sustainable practices on, we will focus on opening more SKA gold into renovations across our existing locations, rated restaurants across the UK and Ireland. such as ASK Italian at Gloucester Arcade. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 29

      SUSTAINABLE DESIGN EXCELLENCE: Achieving SKA Gold in Azzurri Restaurants BACKGROUND THE INITIATIVE Through our Recipe For A Better Future, our sustainability To achieve the SKA Gold Rating, we work closely together with our restaurants in a transformative journey, revaluating and re昀椀ning strategy, we have envisioned a future where our restaurants every aspect of our operational procedures to align with the rigorous standards of the certi昀椀cation. The following section outlines the can continue to grow whilst doing better for our people key enhancements we implemented at Zizzi’s The Light Restaurant in Leeds. and planet. As part of that strategy, we aim to build better, more sustainable restaurants that are 昀椀t for the future. Against that background, last year we implemented a new Reuse and upcycling of existing Water ef昀椀cient equipment including Low impact insulation, restaurant design policy so that all our new openings and furniture such as chairs and kitchen low 昀氀ush WCs and low 昀氀ow taps paints and 昀椀nishes on equipment decrease our waste reduce our consumption of water walls reduce pollution refurbishments are in line with the SKA Gold Rating - a and improve the air rigorous, third-party veri昀椀ed assessment aiming to minimize quality of our restaurant impacts and promote environmental best-practices within 昀椀t-outs, from energy ef昀椀ciency, to waste reduction and the use of environmentally friendly materials. Adopting this policy allows us to reduce the environmental impact of our expansion across the UK&I, and invest in ef昀椀cient restaurants that celebrate our inspiring local communities. We are dedicated to upholding our commitment to sustainable excellence. To this end, we audit a restaurant per brand per year with a view to be awarded a SKA Gold standard certi昀椀cation for implementing best practices across our premises. Our journey began with the ASK Italian restaurant in Horsham, which proudly achieved the certi昀椀cation in 2022 as a result of key enhancements. Continuing this momentum into 2023, we have successfully collaborated with Coco di Mama in Reading and Zizzi in Leeds, both of which have also achieved the certi昀椀cation. Certi昀椀ed environmentally-friendly materials such as FSC MDF & timber Energy ef昀椀cient lighting system and lower our impact and promote controls cut down our energy use sustainable sourcing practices and related emissions SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 30

      OUR IMPACT THE KEY IMPROVEMENTS MADE AT OUR ZIZZI RESTAURANT HAVE ALLOWED US TO… » Minimize waste by diverting 100% of waste materials away from land昀椀ll and upcycling most of the internal loose furniture, kitchen equipment and other items. » Enhance operational ef昀椀ciency and lower THIS IMPACTFUL AND INNOVATIVE MODEL HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE THROUGH A UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP operational costs through improved monitoring BETWEEN AZZURRI, AND SKA RATING. waste streams and the reduction in waste and lower energy consumption. » Lower our carbon footprint by reducing the energy usage by an estimated 31% through I’m proud to see the progress we’ve made in this Zizzi project This is one of the best projects that I have had the privilege to the implementation of ef昀椀cient mechanical and across all our brands in Azzurri Group. We’ve succeeded work on. The team took the design decision to upcycle as many equipment and LED lighting. in 昀椀nding new and innovative materials and 昀椀nishes which elements as was possible, and have as a result produced a enhance the design of our beautiful restaurants. This ambition has stunning restaurant, which focuses on environment best practice challenged our team to look at the way we source, reuse, and and energy ef昀椀ciency. Azzurri Group achieved a Gold rating » Promote sustainable sourcing practices by specify our 昀椀xtures and 昀椀ttings, alongside with how we work with for the refurbishment of the restaurant, which is the highest Ska using certi昀椀ed materials with Environmental Product our partners and suppliers. We have seen how our demand for accolade for a sustainable 昀椀t-out. The Azzurri Group are one Declarations for the majority of the transformation. sustainable products is encouraging our suppliers to develop of only a handful of companies that have achieved Ska Gold more options with recycled content and certi昀椀ed environmentally certi昀椀cation. They have designed a contemporary modern-day friendly materials. As an industry we are becoming much more restaurant that surpasses the standards required by regulations, » Enhance customer health and wellbeing conscious of our role in lowering our impact on the planet. and incorporated innovative solutions that minimizes the by providing good levels of thermal comfort, environmental impact of the restaurant. maximising the use of natural daylight, improving ventilation and using materials that reduce the Pia Fairhurst Mathew Byway concentration of volatitle organic compounds. Creative Director, Azzurri Group Ska Assessor, Alphacello Ltd SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 31

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      PROGRESS ON OUR GOALS: PLANET WASTE » By 2025 all our out of restaurant packaging will be widely recyclable. » By 2030 we will reduce our total food waste by 15%. CARBON, ENERGY SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & WATER & CONSTRUCTION » By 2025 we will launch a robust environmental man- agement system, allowing us to monitor and set annual » By 2025 all new restaurants and restaurant 昀椀t-outs will be consumption reduction targets for energy and water. built to the standards set out in our new sustainable design and construction policy. » By 2040 we will achieve net zero emissions across our operations and supply chain » Expanding on our existing zero-to-land昀椀ll commitment, by 2025 we aim to send zero waste to land昀椀ll from 100% restaurant 昀椀t outs and new builds. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 32

      PILLAR 3 PLATE To meet dietary requirements for present and future generations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations asserted that “the issue is not ‘if’ diets should change, but how to obtain these results”. Increasing access to food, healthy and diverse options, will need to be supported by sustainable food systems. Our efforts in ‘Plate’ focus on how we can meet our customers’ dietary requirements, how we can promote sustainable diets and promote sustainability across our value chain.

      HEALTH AND NUTRITION Everybody deserves to trust the provenance, production and preparation of their food. That’s why at Azzurri, we take our role in catering to our customers’ needs very seriously. We want all our restaurants and stores to be a safe choice for customers, supporting dietary requirements, food preferences and individual health journeys. Our brands are at the forefront of adopting Run by local authorities, these strict industry best practices for managing food standards benchmark food establishments hypersensitivity. We updated our processes on a 0-5 scale, and we are proud that to meet the regulatory requirements in 93% of Azzurri Group’s restaurants and response to Natasha’s Law on allergen stores have earned the highest rating of labelling in 2021 and the menu calorie 5 (or PASS in Scotland) - a 3% increase labelling mandate in England in 2022. from the last report. 93% of our restaurants We’ve also pledged greater transparency Amidst a cost of living crisis that has seen a achieved the highest in allergen information, using technology decline in vegetable consumption to a 50- to improve accuracy and traceability of our year low, as noted by the Food Foundation, rating for health and product data. our brands are making it easier than ever to safety according to The health and safety of our customers and incorporate vegetables into meals. Throughout The Food Hygiene team members is very important to us. In the the year, our brands’ menus include, on 2023 昀椀nancial year, our Quality & Safety average, over 50% vegan and vegetarian Rating System team, alongside our third-party partner, offerings, showcasing a variety of dishes conducted over 500 audit inspections to from the most traditional vegetarian pizzas to uphold our food safety standards, with each innovative options such as our lentil ragus at inspection concluding with targeted actions Coco di Mama and Zizzi. Each brand places for improvement. Our restaurants also its unique spin on these dishes, championing undergo an assessment as part of The Food a variety of plant-based proteins and, where Hygiene Rating System. possible, seasonal and local vegetables. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 34

      We’re especially passionate about encouraging For those mindful of their calorie intake, Ask and Zizzi were vegetable intake among children. Our Coco Di Mama proudly offers over 90% recognised by the Peas restaurants, including ASK Italian, Zizzi, and of its mains with fewer than 800 calories. Coco Di Mama, offer an array of vegan and Meanwhile, Zizzi and ASK Italian provide a Please campaign for vegetarian options for our youngest guests, as selection of lower-calorie dishes, making up their efforts to increase well as adults, with our commitment to making about 35% of their menus. We’re dedicated vegetables more accessible recently commended to continual learning as we navigate the vegetables in kids menus with a Green-Traf昀椀c light rating from the Food evolving understanding of health, wellness, Foundation. Our brands have also made and consumer preferences. We’re passionate progress on aligning with the PHE targets for our about expanding our initiatives to do the kids’ menus and all brands offer food options for right thing for our consumer’s nutrition, whilst children that are compliant with PHE targets for meeting growing regulatory demands. sugar. In 2024, our brands will keep working hard to close the gap with remaining PHE targets. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 35

      SUSTAINABLE DIETS We have a duty to meet our customers dietary needs, and take pride in addressing health and safety issues. We also work hard to balance these needs against our commitment to become a net zero carbon emission business by 2040. Our businesses have the potential to support resilient food systems that can meet people’s needs today and tomorrow. The decisions we make on what to include SUPER LIMONE AND INSPECTOR in our menus can support the Food and OLIVE ARE ON A MISSION TO... BE KINDEBE KINDER TR TO O Agriculture Organizations’ (FAO) objectives BE KINDER TO THE PTHE PLANETLANET for positive change, from enabling healthy THE PLANET diets for all to supporting sustainable food ~60% of Coco Di Mama’s systems that promote healthy soils and better water management practices. menu and ~40% of We started taking accountability for our ASK Italian’s kids menus by partnering with Foodsteps in 2022 menu is low carbon to analyse the carbon footprint of our recipes with a view of increasing low carbon options and making this information more available to customers. Coco Di Mama was our 昀椀rst We want to offer meals that taste great and are good for the planet. NGR brand to analyse the impact of its full menu, We have committed to offering more sustainable U Y? food choices. Currently, 43% of our children’s H menu is low or very low carbon and we’re on a journey to make that even better. By 2025, our aim is to provide the carbon footprint of all the items and adding labels on its website to re昀氀ect the on our main menu too. O r y d a To 昀椀nd out more, visit er aw st t ~60% of food options that are low or very raigh low carbon in 2023. We then analysed the In 2023 we increased our efforts to engage impact of our vegan swaps at ASK Italian, suppliers on the journey, by highlighting our and launched a new section on the website focus on carbon reductions at our Supplier to share key takeaways with customers. Conference, and asking suppliers to support ASK Italian also started communicating the our efforts to improve traceability and impact of kids’ menus, where in Spring 2023 transparency. We opened up to ideas and around ~40% of the recipes were low carbon. suggestions as well as shared learnings. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 36

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      This approach to collaboratively tackle our impact brought Wildfarmed transform arable land into thriving 昀椀elds full of life by new ‘hero’ products to our menu, such as Wildfarmed’s restoring soil health, supporting biodiversity and crop resilience. 昀氀our. Zizzi was the 昀椀rst brand to bring Widlfarmed to our Wildfarmed’s 昀氀our is not only a low carbon product, it can make menus, introducing a Wildfarmed Campanelle Lentil Ragu a big difference to our menus, helping us reduce up to four times Introducing Wildfarmed that scored ‘very low’ on Foodsteps’ carbon rating. the carbon emissions associated to our 昀氀our use. 昀氀our to our menus means Being known for our pizzas and pastas, our leading Our efforts in 2023 mean that we’re well positioned to bring more lower carbon emissions brands take 昀氀our very seriously, this matches perfectly with planet-friendly ingredients to our menu in 2024, as we challenge Wildfarmed’s mission to transform lives and landscapes each other within the Group to reduce our impact, work alongside and thriving 昀椀elds through food. like-minded suppliers and share our journey with customers. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 37

      SUSTAINABLE SOURCING Sustainable sourcing is a big part of our Recipe For A Better Future. We’ve set ambitious targets that need a joint effort across the entire value chain. From the food we serve to the uniforms our staff wear, we’re on a journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future, together with our partners. Our customers hold us to high standards sustainability certi昀椀cation such as RSPO, and we expect the same of our partners. and we’re working to maintain 100% Our Business Code of Conduct, aligned compliance with this target. with international conventions on workers’ In other categories, we are working with rights, the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) suppliers to move to more sustainable Base Code, and the Modern Slavery Act, ingredients. For instance, although we sets the ethical framework we expect our haven’t met our sustainable seafood goal suppliers to follow. yet, we are making progress and are proudly Presented our In May 2023, we unveiled our Recipe standing by key suppliers who are on their sourcing strategy For A Better Future strategy at our 昀椀rst own transition journeys and actively working at our Supplier Supplier Conference post-pandemic. This to secure sustainably certi昀椀ed seafood. event was a platform to introduce our Working with value aligned suppliers Conference and supply chain objectives and immediate is also helping us meet our goals. For launched new goals, inviting supplier feedback and instance, our uniform supplier BEAT, who collaboration to achieve our ambitions. is now carbon neutral, is helping us meet sourcing guidelines We developed sourcing guidelines for our sourcing objectives. our buyers and suppliers, focusing on key commodities, better supplier engagement Ask Italian, Coco di Mama and Zizzi team ASK Italian, and driving progress. t-shirts are produced using Better Cotton Coco Di Mama and We have achieved our goal of sourcing Initiative fabrics , supporting farming 100% free range whole eggs and are practices that are better for soil and water Zizzi’s team t-shirts now working to extend this standard management, and providing decent work are produced using across all egg products. As part of our and increased access to market for farming product approval process, all ingredients communities tackling inequality. Better Cotton containing palm oil must hold a Initiative fabrics SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 38

      Food provenance is also paramount to us. We love good Similarly, Coco di Mama’s optimised delivery strategy in frozen, Improved our food and we care enormously about where it comes from. ambient and chilled foods, has saved 66,000 food miles. food distributions We have increased local sourcing to an average of 50% Despite economic challenges and rising costs affecting our for our UK-manufactured products. A good example of supply chain in 2023, we stabilised our operations. Looking cutting over partner collaboration is with our ASK and Zizzi’s centralised ahead to 2024, we’ll continue making progress. By collaborating 140,000 food miles distribution partner, Best Food. Working together, we have with value-aligned suppliers and expanding our partnerships, reduced weekly site deliveries, saving us money and reducing we’re excited to deepen our commitment to sustainability and the distance our food has to travel to get to our restaurants, navigate the macro-economic landscape together. essentially cutting 75,000 food miles (or 3,600 deliveries) annually without impacting food waste. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 39

      FROM FORK TO FARM : Closing the Loop with Anaerobic Digestion BACKGROUND THE INITIATIVE This innovative system relies on a strong Through our Recipe For A Better Future, partnership between our restaurants, we have envisioned a future where our Bio Collectors and ADM Milling, and it restaurants can continue to grow whilst works as follows: doing better for our people and planet. 1. Collection As part of that strategy, we aim to 1. COLLECTION Bio Collectors collect food waste from ASK achieve net-zero emissions by 2040 Italian, Zizzi restaurants and other London across our operations and supply chain businesses and households. to reduce our environmental impact. 2. Conversion We aim to do that that through, among The collective waste is treated and converted other things, cutting waste, increasing into valuable resources like biogas and recycling, and sourcing more sustainably. digestate, a nutrient-rich fertiliser. Against that background, we partnered 3. Enrichment with Bio Collectors and ADM Milling to 2. CONVERSION The biogas powers Bio Collector’s vehicles turn uneaten pizza into valuable new 5. SERVING and the fertiliser enriches local 昀椀elds, resources in a collaborative closed- supporting wheat growth with nutrient-rich looped system - the UK’s 昀椀rst known fertiliser. circular food waste initiative of its kind 4. Harvesting within the hospitality sector. Wheat is harvested and milled by ADM Milling Winning as the best circular initiative to make 昀氀our, which is used for pizza dough. at the 2023 MRW National Recycling 5. Serving Awards, our loop is an example of 3. ENRICHMENT Customers enjoy their favourite pizza in how we can grow in responsible and one of 200 ASK Italian or Zizzi restaurants sustainable ways, as we also reduce across the UK. food waste and collaborate to rollout 4. HARVESTING more sustainable practices in the industry. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 40

      2023 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 40

      OUR IMPACT THIS UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP HAS RESULTED IN A FULLY TRACEABLE, CLOSED-LOOP SYSTEM THAT… » Substantially reduces transport-related carbon emissions by sourcing local wheat and using biogas-powered vehicles. » Promotes sustainable farming practices by producing nutrient-rich fertiliser from THIS IMPACTFUL AND INNOVATIVE MODEL HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE THROUGH A UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP organic waste. BETWEEN BIO COLLECTORS, AZZURRI, AND ADM MILLING. » Fosters a sustainable energy model by generating biogas from organic matter, which then powers homes in the UK. The concept of a closed loop model in the food This partnership is a unique collaboration to deliver fully » Contributes to waste minimization and sector is vital if we are to achieve our net-zero traceable 昀氀our, in the UK’s 昀椀rst closed loop food waste system. enhances operational ef昀椀ciency by ensuring ambitions by 2040. Through this model, we can The success of this initiative has provided the proof of concept maximum use of local resources, conversion preserve nutrient and carbon levels, and allow for we needed. We’re ready to scale up and increase the volume more sustainable farming. of waste collections, so that we can provide more energy, more of waste into valuable products, and reduced fertiliser and grow our circular food waste initiative. transport and waste disposal costs. » Sets a strong example for other businesses in the industry around circular economy Claudia Candiotto Phil Roche models and strengthens our collective standing Head of Responsible Business, Commercial Director, as industry leaders in sustainability. Azzurri Group Bio Collectors SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 41

      2023 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 41

      PROGRESS ON OUR GOALS: PLATE HEALTH & NUTRITION » By 2025 all our kids’ menus will have 2 portions of vegetables, include vegetarian and vegan proteins, and meet PHE targets for sugar, salt, fat and calories. SUSTAINABLE DIETS » By 2025 we aim to provide the carbon footprint of items sold or listed in our brands’ menus. » By 2030 we aim for at least 65% of the dishes listed on our brands’ menus to be low or very low carbon impact. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 42

      PROGRESS ON OUR GOALS: PLATE SUSTAINABLE SOURCING » By 2030, we will invest in diverse and resilient supply chains by increasing spending with local suppliers » Building on our existing commitments to source sustainably by 10% and increasing spending with suppliers certi昀椀ed seafood, palm oil, free-range eggs and meat, by from minority backgrounds and sustainably certi昀椀ed 2030 we will also source sustainably certi昀椀ed rice, sugar organisations by 20%. and coffee. Increase Spending with Local Suppliers by 10% Free-Range Eggs used in our restaurants Increase Spending with Minority Suppliers by 20% Seafood Increase Spending with Sustainably Certi昀椀ed Palm Oil Organisations by 20% » By 2030, we will be sourcing sustainably our uniforms, paper products, and work with suppliers who use Coffee sustainable alternatives to soy in animal feed and avoid the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics. Higher welfare meat No Routine Use of Prophylactic Antibiotics Sugar Sustainable Sourcing of Soy (in Animal Feed) Rice Sustainable Sourcing of Uniforms SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 43

      SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Recipe For A Better Future supports seven of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development We’ve reviewed the SDGs and identi昀椀ed seven that are most relevant to our work within the Group. Goals, a global agenda to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Re昀氀ecting on all areas of our work, we devised goals that we know will impact on these targets It was important for us to align our 2030 Goals to the SDGs for a few reasons. Firstly, we want our and will move us forward on that journey. We understand that our impact is wider than these seven impact to be meaningful and tied to issues affecting people and planet. Secondly, we want our areas, but see these as a solid foundation from which to build our progress. impact to be framed in a way that can be understood by our industry, our investors, the people The below summarises our approach to the SDGs, and we have marked each section of the report we work with, and the communities we impact. The SDGs allow us to do just that - link our work to with the relevant SDG logo to indicate our progress in each area. global ambitions pursued by communities, businesses, and governments alike. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL OUR COMMITMENT OUR 2030 GOAL SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition Donate half a million meals by 2030. Zero Hunger and promote sustainable agriculture. (Target 2.1; Target 2.3) Our 220 restaurants and stores are at the heart of many UK communities. We’re here to sustain happy, healthy lives within those communities, managing our food waste, and donating surplus food to those who need it most. SDG 8 Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment By 2030, we will have helped 10,000 individuals Decent work and economic growth and decent work for all. enter the job market through apprenticeships, (Target 8.5; Target 8.6) We are committed to training our teams and providing career opportunities. internships, work experience placements and job We’re dedicated to building an engaging and healthy environment that and life skills training. supports and nourishes individuals to be better and do better. By 2030, all adult employees will receive pay that exceeds the national living wage. SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation By 2025, all new restaurants and restaurant 昀椀t-outs will Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and foster innovation. be built to the standards set out in our new sustainable (Target 9.4) With 220 restaurants and stores across the UK, we’re focused on minimising design and construction policy. our environmental footprint at every site. We’re already committed to sending zero to land昀椀ll and want to take this further. Our design and construction policy will also promote sustainable design and construction. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 44

      SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL OUR COMMITMENT OUR 2030 GOAL SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries. By 2030, we will invest in diverse and resilient supply Reduced inequalities Our customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We’re not all the chains by increasing spending with local suppliers (Target 10.2) same and that is our greatest strength. We draw on the differences in who by 10% and increasing spending with suppliers we are, what we’ve experienced and how we think, to build better food from minority backgrounds and sustainably certi昀椀ed businesses that sustain happy, healthy lives. We build teams made up of great organisations by 20%. people from a wide variety of backgrounds and abilities, not just because it’s By 2025, we will be a signatory to BITC’s Race at the right thing to do, but because it makes our business stronger. Work charter and build out our full diversity and inclusion strategy. SDG 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. By 2025, all our out of restaurant packaging will be Responsible Consumption and Production We believe in responsible business - in doing business in a way that is better widely recyclable. (Target 12.2; Target 12.3; Target 12.5; for both our planet and our people. That means having sound social and By 2030, we will have cut our food waste by 15%. Target 12.6) ethical practices and considering our impact on the environment and how to reduce it. Expanding on our existing zero-to-land昀椀ll commitment, by 2025 we aim to send zero waste to land昀椀ll from We believe in getting as much value as possible from every waste stream, to 100% restaurant 昀椀t outs and new builds. protect our planet’s resources and drive value for our businesses. SDG 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. By 2040, we will achieve net zero emissions across our Climate Action Climate change is one of the most urgent issues facing humankind. It requires operations and supply chain (Target 13.3) swift and radical action. We’re taking action both within our business through By 2025, we aim to provide the carbon footprint of our net zero by 2040 ambition and in the way we support our customers to items sold or listed in our brands’ menus. make more informed choices through carbon footprint labelling too. SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. Building on our existing commitments to source Life below water Many of our dishes are reliant on 昀椀sh and seafood ingredients, so we’re sustainably certi昀椀ed seafood, palm oil, free-range eggs (Target 14.4; Target 14.6) committed to sourcing our 昀椀sh and seafood sustainably to protect 昀椀sh stocks and meat, by 2030 we will also source sustainably and marine ecosystems. certi昀椀ed rice, sugar and coffee. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 45

      SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (SASB) RESPONSE This disclosure marks Azzurri Group’s 昀椀rst response to the SASB Restaurants Standard. We are in the process of developing our approach to collecting data for the accounting metrics. For metrics for which data is not yet available, we offer information on our approach to and targets for these topics. SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Energy Management FB-RN-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed Energy 198,622 Gigajoules 225,185 Gigajoules (2) percentage grid electricity Energy 100% 100% (3) percentage renewable Energy 3.3% 12.3% Water Management FB-RN-140a.1 (1) Total water withdrawn Water Data for water withdrawal and consuption is not yet centralised at entity level. We are taking action to improve our data collection processes in order to accurately measure water consumption and are committed to reducing it. (2) total water consumed, percentage of Water No data available 20,3414 m3 each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 46

      SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Food & Packaging Waste Management FB-RN-150a.1 (1) Total amount of waste Waste 5,856.51 Mt 6,224 Mt (2) percentage food waste Waste 7.58% 13.95% (3) percentage diverted Waste 99.7% 99% FB-RN-150a.2 (1) Total weight of packaging Waste 1,724.09 Mt 640.44 Mt (based on EPR reporting standards for calendar year 2023) (2) percentage made from recycled and/ Waste 30.7% We are working with suppliers to improve or renewable materials the accurary of this 昀椀gure. (3) percentage that is recyclable, Waste 50.7% 88%. This includes our retail and reusable, and/or compostable takeaway business lines. Food safety FB-RN-250.a1 (1) Percentage of restaurants inspected by a Health & Nutrition 44.9% 45% food safety oversight body 100% of our restaurants and stores are subjects to two annual third-party inspections as part of our comprehensive audit programme. (2) percentage receiving critical violations Health & Nutrition 0% 0% FB-RN-250.a2 (1) Number of recalls issued Health & Nutrition 0 0 (2) total amount of food product recalled Health & Nutrition 0 0 FB-RN-250a.3 Number of con昀椀rmed foodborne illness Health & Nutrition Not applicable. This metric is only relevant to operations in the United States, outbreaks, percentage resulting in which Azzurri does not have. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 47

      SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Nutritional Content FB-RN-260a.1 (1) Percentage of meal options consistent Health & Nutrition Refer to page 29 for our health and Refer to page 34 for our health and nutrition with national dietary guidelines and nutrition strategy. Following calorie strategy. Following calorie legislation in the UK, legislation in the UK, 70% of CDM’s menu 70% of CDM’s menu is under 500 calories, is under 500 calories, 34% of ASK Italian’s 34% of ASK Italian’s menu is under 800 menu is under 800 calories, 27.5% of calories, 27.5% of Zizzi’s menu is under 800 Zizzi’s menu is under 800 calories. calories. (2) revenue from these options Refer to our Annual Report for information on the company’s 昀椀nancial performance. FB-RN-260a.2 (1) Percentage of children’s meal options Health & Nutrition Refer to page 29 for data on our main Refer to page 34 for data on our main consistent with national dietary guidelines meals, we are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed meals, we are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed for children and methodology for data collection and methodology for data collection and calculation for our brands’ set kids meals. calculation for our brands’ set kids meals. (2) revenue from these options Refer to our Annual Report for information on the company’s 昀椀nancial performance. FB-RN-260a.3 Number of advertising impressions made Health & Nutrition 0 0 on children, percentage promoting products that meet national dietary guidelines for children Labor Practices FB-RN-310a.1 (1) Voluntary turnover rate for restaurant Wellbeing, reward This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri Annual employees & recognition Annual Report. For more information on our Report. For more information on our people people approach to wellbeing, reward & approach to wellbeing, reward & recognition recognition refer to page 14. refer to page 13. (2) involuntary turnover rate for restaurant Wellbeing, reward This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri Annual employees & recognition Annual Report. For more information on our Report. For more information on our people people approach to wellbeing, reward & approach to wellbeing, reward & recognition recognition refer to page 14. refer to page 13. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 48

      SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 FB-RN-310a.2 (1) Average hourly wage, by region Wellbeing, reward 80.3% of our employees are paid above 86% of our employees are paid above & recognition National Living Wage. National Living Wage. (2) percentage of restaurant employees Wellbeing, reward 100% 100% earning minimum wage, by region & recognition FB-RN-310a.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a Wellbeing, reward 0 0 result of legal proceedings associated & recognition with (1) labor law violations Total amount of monetary losses as a Wellbeing, reward 0 0 result of legal proceedings associated & recognition with (2) employment discrimination Supply Chain Management & Food Sourcing FB-RN-430a.1 Percentage of food purchased that (1) Sustainable Sourcing We are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed methodology for data collection and calculation meets environmental and social sourcing at Azzurri Group level standards Percentage of food purchased that (2) is Sustainable Sourcing 15.9% 48.1% of food products hold environmental or certi昀椀ed to third-party social certi昀椀cation as disclosed by our suppliers environmental and/or social standards (based on an 86% supplier response rate). FB-RN-430a.2 Percentage of (1) eggs that originated Sustainable Sourcing 100% 100 from a cage-free environment Percentage of (2) pork that was produced Sustainable Sourcing 43% of our main products come from 83% as disclosed by our suppliers (based without the use of gestation crates gestation crate-free environments, 57% of on a 60% supplier response rate). This 昀椀gure our main pork products come from limited- encompasses products from gestation-free gestation crate environments (compliant environments and those compliant with Higher with local legislation and/or Red Tractor Animal Welfare certi昀椀cations) certi昀椀cations) FB-RN-430a.3 Discussion of strategy to manage Sustainable Sourcing Refer to page 30 Refer to page 38 environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 49

      SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Activity Metric FB-RN-000.A Number of (1) company-owned NA 214 214 restaurants Number of (2) franchise restaurants NA 0 0 FB-RN-000.B Number of employees at (1) company- NA 4,500 5,693 owned Number of employees at (2) franchise NA 0 0 locations SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 50

      AZZURRI CENTRAL LIMITED Third Floor, Capital House 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DH REPORT DESIGNED BY FLORIN CHEREJI