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CEO’S WELCOME Welcome to our latest Sustainable Dining sustainability initiatives and create positive As a result of this focus on sustainability Report, which serves as an update on impact. This cultural framework enabled us across the Group, we have been able to our Recipe For A Better Future goals, our to seamlessly embed our new food business make advances across our People, Planet framework for impact against three core which we welcomed into the Azzurri family: and Plate goals. Our Sustainable Dining pillars, People, Planet and Plate. It has been Boojum a Mexican burrito bar, operating Report has been updated to highlight a year since we have reframed our impact across 15 sites in Ireland. We are delighted our most signi昀椀cant – and proudest following this framework and we have much to have expanded not just our operations, - achievements, such as our evolving to share. but importantly our opportunity to build community partnerships, our sustainable During this year, we have continued to another food business that’s better for people restaurant designs and our 昀椀rst closed-loop evolve, despite signi昀椀cant social and and planet. food waste system. economic changes. We know that these Accountability has also been a key focus this Our determination to succeed and deliver global shocks affect all our stakeholders, year, as we double down on our governance on our Recipe For A Better Future goals from our supply chain partners, to our team processes for sustainability initiatives. We remains strong. This report highlights how we members and our customers, which is why have maintained a steadfast focus on are delivering on our ambitions and putting we are determined to prioritise our role in sustainability, with regular progress updates in place measures to overcome challenges, building better food businesses that sustain for our Azzurri Central core teams, as well whilst striving to continue to build better food happy, healthy lives. We strongly believe as our brands. I was delighted to be asked to businesses that deliver a positive impact for We’ve worked hard that our businesses are positioned to create chair the quarterly progress meetings for ASK our people and planet. this year to foster a positive impact for the people we employ Italian’s sustainable business approach, ‘Ask and the communities we serve, whilst being for Better’, allowing me to get closer to the culture of collaboration mindful of the resources we use. The need front line whilst creating space for our leaders and knowledge for our businesses to show leadership across to explore sustainability initiatives that have Steve Holmes these areas, and deliver the changes our potential to positively impact our communities Chief Executive Of昀椀cer sharing, to enable us people and planet need, is only becoming and environment. I have been inspired by the Azzurri Central Limited to drive forward our more pronounced. outcomes of those sessions, which include sustainability initiatives We know we will only achieve our goals behaviour change campaigns that reduce when our businesses work closely together. energy consumption in our restaurants, to and create positive We’ve worked hard this year to foster a new community impact structures and I am impact. culture of collaboration and knowledge committed to continue my role as a champion sharing, to enable us to drive forward our for ‘Ask for Better’ into 2024 and beyond. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 3

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