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OUR SUSTAINABLE DINING JOURNEY Since 2017, the Azzurri Group has embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming a more sustainable and responsible business. In 2022, we took a signi昀椀cant step forward by conducting a materiality assessment. This crucial evaluation aimed to sharpen our focus and chart a course for our long- term impact, culminating in the development of our ‘Recipe For A Better Future’ sustainability strategy. The materiality assessment was instrumental in pinpointing the most pressing environmental and social issues facing our Group. With the valuable input of both internal and external stakeholders, we identi昀椀ed 12 key impact areas. These areas became the foundation of our sustainability commitments and goals, forming the backbone of our strategy. To ensure our reporting remains aligned with evolving priorities and challenges, we conducted a materiality refresh exercise in 2023, which veri昀椀ed the continued relevance of our material topics. We will regularly review our material issues that inform our commitments and goals. Outlined on the following page, our commitments act as a vital link between our overarching purpose and our speci昀椀c sustainability objectives. They highlight our focus on the most critical aspects of our operations and set ambitious targets for the Group. To bring these commitments to life, we’ve established our 2030 Goals. These goals are designed as practical, action-oriented benchmarks that span the critical dimensions of people, planet, and plate, guiding our journey towards a more sustainable future. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 8

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