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SUSTAINABLE SOURCING Sustainable sourcing is a big part of our Recipe For A Better Future. We’ve set ambitious targets that need a joint effort across the entire value chain. From the food we serve to the uniforms our staff wear, we’re on a journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future, together with our partners. Our customers hold us to high standards sustainability certi昀椀cation such as RSPO, and we expect the same of our partners. and we’re working to maintain 100% Our Business Code of Conduct, aligned compliance with this target. with international conventions on workers’ In other categories, we are working with rights, the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) suppliers to move to more sustainable Base Code, and the Modern Slavery Act, ingredients. For instance, although we sets the ethical framework we expect our haven’t met our sustainable seafood goal suppliers to follow. yet, we are making progress and are proudly Presented our In May 2023, we unveiled our Recipe standing by key suppliers who are on their sourcing strategy For A Better Future strategy at our 昀椀rst own transition journeys and actively working at our Supplier Supplier Conference post-pandemic. This to secure sustainably certi昀椀ed seafood. event was a platform to introduce our Working with value aligned suppliers Conference and supply chain objectives and immediate is also helping us meet our goals. For launched new goals, inviting supplier feedback and instance, our uniform supplier BEAT, who collaboration to achieve our ambitions. is now carbon neutral, is helping us meet sourcing guidelines We developed sourcing guidelines for our sourcing objectives. our buyers and suppliers, focusing on key commodities, better supplier engagement Ask Italian, Coco di Mama and Zizzi team ASK Italian, and driving progress. t-shirts are produced using Better Cotton Coco Di Mama and We have achieved our goal of sourcing Initiative fabrics , supporting farming 100% free range whole eggs and are practices that are better for soil and water Zizzi’s team t-shirts now working to extend this standard management, and providing decent work are produced using across all egg products. As part of our and increased access to market for farming product approval process, all ingredients communities tackling inequality. Better Cotton containing palm oil must hold a Initiative fabrics SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 38

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