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INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY We are committed to nurturing a culture where diversity is celebrated, individuality is respected, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive and progress. In our businesses, valuing individuality is a core principle, embodied in Azzurri’s ‘Be You’ and Zizzi’s ‘Individuality’ values. This ethos is embraced across our Group, In 2024, we will work towards a Level 2 Reporting on our gender pay gap on an because we recognise the strength in our Disability Con昀椀dent certi昀椀cation, and hope annual basis gives us insight, enabling us to team members’ diversity. Our collective to welcome more Able Interns. challenge ourselves and agree actions for differences and experiences are what meaningful change. make us stronger, enabling us to build more Azzurri Central is a Across the Group we’re proud of the people innovative and successful food businesses. Disability Con昀椀dent who care deeply, look out for each other, In 2023, Azzurri Central launched its 昀椀rst and Committed Level and work together to be the best that they Inclusion team member resource group, can be. There are still areas where we want hosting events to celebrate team diversity 1 employer, working to make meaningful progress, and in 2024 and start conversations about inclusivity towards a level 2 we look forward to broadening our working in the workplace. Plans for 2024 include groups to our brands, as well as capturing expanding this group to our brands to deepen certi昀椀cation in 2024 more detailed feedback from team members connections and share insights. Supporting to inform future action plans. this journey, our updated training modules Being inclusive employers also requires Alongside our internal plans, we are also on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity have seen an understanding of our team members’ taking action in our communities such as high engagement, with 92% of team members needs. Following an audit of our internal ASK Italian’s introduction of braille menus across ASK Italian, Azzurri, Coco Di Mama, practices around Modern Slavery, we have in restaurants. In 2024, we will expand our and Zizzi completing the e-learning course. reviewed all our policies to ensure that they initiatives and continue learning alongside Azzurri Central is now also a Disability are up to date and legally compliant , whilst our teams and partners. Con昀椀dent and Committed Level 1 employer. considering the welfare of our teams. Achieving this certi昀椀cation has been the Our team members’ welfare is also detailed Our newly introduced result of a thorough review of how we in our Gender Pay Gap report. In our latest Diversity, Inclusion recruit, retain and develop disabled talent. report for ASK Italian, Zizzi and Coco Di In 2023, we proudly participated in the Mama, we noted an increase in female and Equity e-learning 10,000 Able Interns Programme pilot, to representation in all quartiles measured was taken by 92% of address the underrepresentation of disabled and shared how each brand will address talent within UK industries. imbalances in our businesses. team members SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 15

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