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ENERGY AND WATER As the global energy crisis continues to bite, we’ve heightened our focus on energy ef昀椀ciency. Under our Recipe For A Better Future strategy, we have doubled down on our efforts, setting annual energy reduction targets and improving our data management systems. In 2023, we introduced a new energy Our energy winners at Zizzi York spent a management dashboard. First implemented in day with the Wildlife Trust helping restore Zizzi restaurants, this tool helps us to identify peatlands in northern England. Through this how we use our energy and where we can be partnership, the teams also learnt about more ef昀椀cient. By 2024, we plan to extend carbon sequestration and how saving energy the dashboard to ASK Italian and Coco Di contributes to tackling climate change. Mama. We’re strengthening the dashboard’s These efforts led to a 6.4% reduction data with Mindsett, an asset energy in Zizzi’s energy use, and a collective We saved the energy monitoring tool, which helps us conduct reduction of 760,000 kWh by ASK Italian energy audits and test equipment ef昀椀ciency. and Zizzi, equivalent to the energy used to equivalent of cooking Whilst energy monitoring tools provide data, serve 1.1 million pizzas annually. 1.1 million pizzas annually we know that it’s changes in behaviour that As well as energy, we’re also focused on will help us reduce our energy consumption reducing our water usage. In 2023, we in our restaurants. So we ran targeted tested smart water meters at 昀椀ve sites ahead campaigns to encourage energy ef昀椀cient of a wider rollout in 2024 to our Zizzi behaviours. ASK Italian achieved year- and ASK Italian restaurants. Coupled with on-year energy reductions through weekly the rollout, we are planning to replicate communications and competitive reduction the success of our energy awareness and league tables. Zizzi’s ‘Watts! The plan for behaviour change campaigns, with a focus electricity usage?’ campaign distributed on water so that we can continue minimising on-site resources and challenged restaurants the impact of our operations on the planet. to cut their energy usage, rewarding the winning team with a volunteering day focused on environmental conservation. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 23

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