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HEALTH AND NUTRITION Everybody deserves to trust the provenance, production and preparation of their food. That’s why at Azzurri, we take our role in catering to our customers’ needs very seriously. We want all our restaurants and stores to be a safe choice for customers, supporting dietary requirements, food preferences and individual health journeys. Our brands are at the forefront of adopting Run by local authorities, these strict industry best practices for managing food standards benchmark food establishments hypersensitivity. We updated our processes on a 0-5 scale, and we are proud that to meet the regulatory requirements in 93% of Azzurri Group’s restaurants and response to Natasha’s Law on allergen stores have earned the highest rating of labelling in 2021 and the menu calorie 5 (or PASS in Scotland) - a 3% increase labelling mandate in England in 2022. from the last report. 93% of our restaurants We’ve also pledged greater transparency Amidst a cost of living crisis that has seen a achieved the highest in allergen information, using technology decline in vegetable consumption to a 50- to improve accuracy and traceability of our year low, as noted by the Food Foundation, rating for health and product data. our brands are making it easier than ever to safety according to The health and safety of our customers and incorporate vegetables into meals. Throughout The Food Hygiene team members is very important to us. In the the year, our brands’ menus include, on 2023 昀椀nancial year, our Quality & Safety average, over 50% vegan and vegetarian Rating System team, alongside our third-party partner, offerings, showcasing a variety of dishes conducted over 500 audit inspections to from the most traditional vegetarian pizzas to uphold our food safety standards, with each innovative options such as our lentil ragus at inspection concluding with targeted actions Coco di Mama and Zizzi. Each brand places for improvement. Our restaurants also its unique spin on these dishes, championing undergo an assessment as part of The Food a variety of plant-based proteins and, where Hygiene Rating System. possible, seasonal and local vegetables. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 34

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