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SUSTAINABLE DESIGN At Azzurri, we recognise that opening future-ready, sustainable restaurants is a vital step in our journey towards environmental stewardship. Recognising the burgeoning impact of the construction industry on climate change, particularly in the context of the UK where the built environment signi昀椀cantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, we are committed to leading the way in more sustainable design. Our innovative approach not only reduces This site’s transformation has achieved a our carbon footprint but also sets a new remarkable 30% reduction in energy usage, standard for sustainability in the hospitality through upcycling (e.g. furniture and tiles), sector. Since 2022, we have revolutionised sustainable fabric choices and energy- our restaurant designs, aligning them with the ef昀椀cient equipment. It’s also our 昀椀rst fully We have highest standards of sustainability. It has led electric site for ASK Italian. revolutionised our us to implement a robust sustainable design We’re keen to share our sustainability stories policy, which makes sure all refurbishments with our customers too. Through informative restaurant designs, and new openings are consistent with the best tags attached to furniture in our ASK Italian aligning them with practices in construction and design. restaurants, we can showcase the sustainable We are proud to utilise RICS SKA choices we have made in our designs. the highest standards assessment’s criteria, relying on a of sustainability comprehensive sustainability accreditation By implementing our new design policy, we built on hundreds of industry-best practices have challenged our team and partners to aimed at minimising the environmental look at the way we source, reuse and specify footprint of our construction projects. our 昀椀xtures and 昀椀ttings across the estate, This journey began with the our 昀椀rst SKA ensuring that we welcome our customers into gold rating at ASK Italian in Horsham, restaurants that re昀氀ect our commitment to followed by similar accolades for Coco Di creating a better future. Having launched this Mama in Reading and Zizzi in Leeds. Our practice in 2023, we have now met the goal commitment doesn’t stop at new projects. we set in 2022 ahead of schedule. From now We have integrated sustainable practices on, we will focus on opening more SKA gold into renovations across our existing locations, rated restaurants across the UK and Ireland. such as ASK Italian at Gloucester Arcade. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 29

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