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SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Nutritional Content FB-RN-260a.1 (1) Percentage of meal options consistent Health & Nutrition Refer to page 29 for our health and Refer to page 34 for our health and nutrition with national dietary guidelines and nutrition strategy. Following calorie strategy. Following calorie legislation in the UK, legislation in the UK, 70% of CDM’s menu 70% of CDM’s menu is under 500 calories, is under 500 calories, 34% of ASK Italian’s 34% of ASK Italian’s menu is under 800 menu is under 800 calories, 27.5% of calories, 27.5% of Zizzi’s menu is under 800 Zizzi’s menu is under 800 calories. calories. (2) revenue from these options Refer to our Annual Report for information on the company’s 昀椀nancial performance. FB-RN-260a.2 (1) Percentage of children’s meal options Health & Nutrition Refer to page 29 for data on our main Refer to page 34 for data on our main consistent with national dietary guidelines meals, we are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed meals, we are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed for children and methodology for data collection and methodology for data collection and calculation for our brands’ set kids meals. calculation for our brands’ set kids meals. (2) revenue from these options Refer to our Annual Report for information on the company’s 昀椀nancial performance. FB-RN-260a.3 Number of advertising impressions made Health & Nutrition 0 0 on children, percentage promoting products that meet national dietary guidelines for children Labor Practices FB-RN-310a.1 (1) Voluntary turnover rate for restaurant Wellbeing, reward This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri Annual employees & recognition Annual Report. For more information on our Report. For more information on our people people approach to wellbeing, reward & approach to wellbeing, reward & recognition recognition refer to page 14. refer to page 13. (2) involuntary turnover rate for restaurant Wellbeing, reward This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri This topic is mentioned in our Azzurri Annual employees & recognition Annual Report. For more information on our Report. For more information on our people people approach to wellbeing, reward & approach to wellbeing, reward & recognition recognition refer to page 14. refer to page 13. SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 48

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