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SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 Food & Packaging Waste Management FB-RN-150a.1 (1) Total amount of waste Waste 5,856.51 Mt 6,224 Mt (2) percentage food waste Waste 7.58% 13.95% (3) percentage diverted Waste 99.7% 99% FB-RN-150a.2 (1) Total weight of packaging Waste 1,724.09 Mt 640.44 Mt (based on EPR reporting standards for calendar year 2023) (2) percentage made from recycled and/ Waste 30.7% We are working with suppliers to improve or renewable materials the accurary of this 昀椀gure. (3) percentage that is recyclable, Waste 50.7% 88%. This includes our retail and reusable, and/or compostable takeaway business lines. Food safety FB-RN-250.a1 (1) Percentage of restaurants inspected by a Health & Nutrition 44.9% 45% food safety oversight body 100% of our restaurants and stores are subjects to two annual third-party inspections as part of our comprehensive audit programme. (2) percentage receiving critical violations Health & Nutrition 0% 0% FB-RN-250.a2 (1) Number of recalls issued Health & Nutrition 0 0 (2) total amount of food product recalled Health & Nutrition 0 0 FB-RN-250a.3 Number of con昀椀rmed foodborne illness Health & Nutrition Not applicable. This metric is only relevant to operations in the United States, outbreaks, percentage resulting in which Azzurri does not have. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 47

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