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SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS 2022 2023 FB-RN-310a.2 (1) Average hourly wage, by region Wellbeing, reward 80.3% of our employees are paid above 86% of our employees are paid above & recognition National Living Wage. National Living Wage. (2) percentage of restaurant employees Wellbeing, reward 100% 100% earning minimum wage, by region & recognition FB-RN-310a.3 Total amount of monetary losses as a Wellbeing, reward 0 0 result of legal proceedings associated & recognition with (1) labor law violations Total amount of monetary losses as a Wellbeing, reward 0 0 result of legal proceedings associated & recognition with (2) employment discrimination Supply Chain Management & Food Sourcing FB-RN-430a.1 Percentage of food purchased that (1) Sustainable Sourcing We are working to de昀椀ne a uni昀椀ed methodology for data collection and calculation meets environmental and social sourcing at Azzurri Group level standards Percentage of food purchased that (2) is Sustainable Sourcing 15.9% 48.1% of food products hold environmental or certi昀椀ed to third-party social certi昀椀cation as disclosed by our suppliers environmental and/or social standards (based on an 86% supplier response rate). FB-RN-430a.2 Percentage of (1) eggs that originated Sustainable Sourcing 100% 100 from a cage-free environment Percentage of (2) pork that was produced Sustainable Sourcing 43% of our main products come from 83% as disclosed by our suppliers (based without the use of gestation crates gestation crate-free environments, 57% of on a 60% supplier response rate). This 昀椀gure our main pork products come from limited- encompasses products from gestation-free gestation crate environments (compliant environments and those compliant with Higher with local legislation and/or Red Tractor Animal Welfare certi昀椀cations) certi昀椀cations) FB-RN-430a.3 Discussion of strategy to manage Sustainable Sourcing Refer to page 30 Refer to page 38 environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare SUSTAINABLE DINING REPORT 2023 49

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