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IMPACT AREA SUSTAINABLE DIETS One in four consumers in the UK relies on environmental labelling to indicate a product’s sustainability and we want to make it easy for our customers to make informed choices that can help the planet. That's why we’ve made two commitments that support We know that our customers are hugely important tackling climate change and facilitating a transition to to our journey. Coco di Mama is displaying carbon sustainable diets. By 2025, we aim to roll out carbon la- impact information on its website and ASK Italian’s belling across our restaurants and stores to make it easy website showcases the impact of ‘Vegan Swaps’ for customers to take decisions in line with their values. against their alternatives at point of sale. We In the meantime, we’ll also be working on reducing the know this is not enough, so ASK is working with 60% carbon footprint of our menus so that by 2030, 65% will the University of Cambridge to study the impact of comprise low or very low carbon options. This is essen- carbon labels in our restaurant and stores, to better of Coco di Mama’s menu tial not only to meet changing consumer preferences, understand how we can engage our customers and but also to tackle our emissions given 60% of our Scope better communicate our impact. options are low and very 3 emissions can be traced back to our food. We believe that achieving our 2030 Goals will low carbon options To work towards these goals, we’ve partnered with help our customers transition to more sustainable Foodsteps, an emerging start up with a mission to help diets, and to do this we have to work more closely food businesses reduce their environmental impact. with our distribution partners, suppliers and farmers Coco di Mama has taken the lead, working with as we keep educating and challenging ourselves to Foodsteps to learn about our food’s impact and what develop future 昀椀t recipes. can be done to reduce it. Coco di Mama’s menus have 60% low or very low carbon options, ranging from breakfast items to snacks and meals. With Foodsteps’ help, we’re exploring how to improve even further and share our impact with customers. We’ve explored our impact across our ‘Vegan Swaps’ offered as part of ASK Italian’s menu. We found that our Vegan Swaps could reduce the carbon impact of the dishes by up to 70%. On our journey, we learned 70% that balance is key and understanding impact is critical reductions in carbon impact are to creating dishes that support a transition to sustainable possible when choosing vegan diets. alternatives at ASK Italian

2022 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 28 2022 | Sustainability Dining Report Page 27 Page 29