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IMPACT AREA HEALTH AND NUTRITION 800 Across the Azzurri Group, we believe in serving good food that or less calorie options creates connections and celebrates our customers’ most important life events. available at Zizzi and The past year has seen some important developments in even further, by introducing new goals for salt, fats ASK Italian our food journey, starting with making it easier for and sugar- all to provide our younger diners with customers to make informed choices about their diets memorable experiences that also support their health. through new mandatory calorie labelling in England. In 2021, Zizzi was named by the Soil Association as a Our customers can now find calorie information on top 3 brand in the country for young diners eating out. restaurant menus, online menus, third party apps and Catering to different diets is critical to our work. food delivery platforms across all of Azzurri group’s An estimated two million people are living with a brands. However, conscious that not everyone wants to diagnosed food allergy and 600,000 people live see this information, our ASK Italian and Zizzi brands with coeliac disease. In addition to our menus offering have also added filters to allow consumers to choose over 60% vegan and vegetarian options, we also whether they want to review this information. offer gluten free options to cater to a variety of needs. 500 As we provide information on calories, we also make We’re acutely aware of our responsibilities in this or less calorie options sure there are options to meet everyone’s needs. At Coco area and work hard to embed the management of available at Coco di Mama di Mama, customers coming for a quick lunch, breakfast food hypersensitivity in our restaurants, creating a or snack can expect over 70% of main meal options strong food safety culture. We follow industry best consisting of 500 calories or less. On the other hand, practice by proactively asking customers about dining experiences at ASK Italian and Zizzi tend to be allergies and have allocated allergen managers to more fulfilling and 30% of mains sit under 800 calories. ensure a safe process, from order through to serving. When it comes to kids, ASK Italian and Zizzi are keen We also provide full allergen 昀椀ltering through our to give peace of mind to parents. Both brands’ core digital table ordering system. dishes for kids sit well underneath the PHE calorie All these steps are underpinned by a laser focus on guidelines for 7-10 year olds and they both offer food safety. Our teams take food safety very seriously customers the possibility to order two portions of and as of the end of our 昀椀nancial year, 90% of vegetables. To encourage more intake of vegetables, Azzurri premises held the highest rating of 5 (or PASS vegetable toppings are available for pizzas and ASK in Scotland) as per the Food Hygiene Rating and Italian is offering all kids a complementary side of peas Food Information Schemes. as part of their Peas Please pledge. Through our 2030 Goals, we’re committed to going

2022 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 29 2022 | Sustainability Dining Report Page 28 Page 30