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IMPACT AREA SUSTAINABLE SOURCING We love food and care enormously about where it comes from. Farm-to-fork traceability and working with suppliers who have high ethical standards are fundamental to our business. We know how important these are to our customers and people. This is why we expect our suppliers to abide by our on achievements and learnings, we’ve released a more Business Code of Conduct, which is consistent with comprehensive approach through our 2030 Goals. We’re internationally agreed conventions on workers’ rights strengthening our commitments to higher animal welfare and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code and and looking at sustainably sourcing commodities that are demonstrates our commitment to the letter and spirit of most vulnerable to climate change, such as coffee and the Modern Slavery Act. rice, whilst doing the right thing by our suppliers. Our Purchasing and Supply Chain team is key to These challenges also allowed us to make improvements the group’s commercial growth and fully champions in other areas. Starting in 2021, Azzurri consolidated its sustainability and ethical sourcing. We go the extra mile distribution of ambient and fresh products to a single by partnering with similar value-minded organisations and distribution centre, reducing deliveries by 60% and 1 million source ingredients from growers and suppliers who share consequently saving around one million food miles a year. food miles were cut through our commitment to responsible sourcing. Almost 40% of Keeping our deliveries local helps us reduce emissions more ef昀椀cient food distribution our annual spend is invested in products sourced from the and form stronger connections with our national United Kingdom. Over 6% of our yearly spend comes suppliers. For example, we source our Red Tractor from sustainably certi昀椀ed suppliers, such as cooperatives, certi昀椀ed milk from Paynes, a family-owned business that B-Corps and community interest groups. In addition, almost works with 121 farms across the UK and our mozzarella 5% of our spend supports minority-owned businesses. is made from UK Red Tractor certi昀椀ed milk. We’re committed to growing these 昀椀gures through Forming better connections with our suppliers is important our 2030 Goals and diversify our spend to support at a local and international level, as it allows us to organisations committed to bettering people and planet. source high quality ingredients consistently. For instance, Sourcing sustainable products has been challenging in we source our passata from Greci, an Italian hallmark the past year, as we dealt with critical supply chain and business that opened its 昀椀rst tomato production in 1923. disruptions due to Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic and Our business has grown alongside Greci’s as we’ve the war in Ukraine. In particular, our teams faced major perfected our recipes using their ingredients for over challenges sourcing meat and other imported products and a dozen years. Our relationship has survived business had to be dynamic in adapting to supply challenges to challenges and the impacts of extreme weather events. 40% keep up with our business’ needs. These challenges made Together, we’ve maintained a consistent supply of the of our ingredients are us review our sustainable sourcing ambitions. Building secret sauce that our customers love. sourced from the UK

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