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Azzurri Group Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 One eye on the detail Looking back Our gender pay gap report for 2022, reported in 2023, uses a snapshot date to look forward of April 2022. The pandemic and lockdowns affected our restaurants and stores Kitchens that welcome our female chefs so in some cases our year-on-year comparisons are dif昀椀cult to analyse. Where applicable we have used 2019 data to give us meaningful comparisons and to We have been working closely with our teams to ensure map our progress. 98% of our workforce is in our restaurants and stores with only that our kitchens are set up to welcome female chefs, that all 138 of our 5,200 employees, working in our central teams. potential barriers are removed and exploring how we can Our gender pay gap is impacted by the historical make up of hospitality, support females in these roles. We are very proud that over the where most of the chefs are males and most of the waiters are female. last couple of years we have signi昀椀cantly increased the number We are working hard to evolve and change this. of females working in our kitchens, with over 11% of our Head Chefs and 27% of our chefs now female. Four years ago, our chefs were 98% male. Why did Azzurri’s median gender pay gap increase? Inclusive recruitment 7% The make up of our workforce has got younger, with We have and continue to actively review our recruitment 50% of our female employees under 23 years old practices to attract females to work back of house. With a Increase in female whilst 35% of our male employees are under 23. This targeted focus on female orientated campaigns and driving representation in impacts our gender pay gap as our front of house attraction through female representation in brand imagery, the upper quartile. roles are paid age related pay, and we have more females can see that being a chef is a great job. females (66%) working front of house. Kitchen Design We have, however, seen an increase in female Sometimes our kitchens are not female friendly, possibly designed by representation in all the reporting quartiles. a man! We have and continue to evaluate the working environment. Even small changes are making the kitchens more inclusive. Why did Azzurri’s mean gender pay gap Flexibility for all decrease? We have in place Flexible Working policies, but we are not sure The % female representation in our upper two that they are working as well as they could. We are reviewing quartiles has increased by 7% & 6% respectively. these to ensure there are no barriers to progression and to This shows us that females have 昀椀lled our more senior identify any further actions we can take to encourage career salaried roles, reducing the disparity in pay in higher development amongst our female employees. paying roles. This is a positive move forwards. 7

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