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Azzurri Group Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 Bringing this all together • Our gender pay gap continues to be impacted by the make up of our workforce, with a larger % females in our Front of House roles vs. a larger % males in our Back of House roles; • It has been impacted by our teams becoming younger over the last 2 years; 67% 55% • We have increased the number of female chefs and head chefs; • 55% of our Assistant Managers are female however only 42% of our General Managers are female; Female Managers in our Central teams. Female Assistant Managers • We have increased the number of females in leadership roles, with twice as many female managers as males in our of昀椀ce teams; What we are focused on • We are continuing to focus on creating more inclusive kitchens, including reviewing kitchen layouts, running recruitment campaigns to attract and encourage females to work back of house and providing the necessary leadership skills to encourage females to progress; • We are working closely with colleges, offering apprenticeships, industrial placements, work experience and 昀氀exible contracts, showcasing how ful昀椀lling a career as a chef can be for females; • We are looking at how we can increase the number of female General Managers, making sure that there are no barriers to progression and that our Flexible Working policy is 昀椀t for purpose; • We are working closely on developing the leadership capabilities of our central team managers to ensure they continue to progress and become our directors of the future; This statement con昀椀rms that the published information is accurate. Stephen Holmes Chief Executive March 2023 8

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