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Azzurri Group Limited Sustainable Dining Update Report 2021 OUR PEOPLE Looking after our people Listening to our people In March this year we also conducted our �irst survey of all our Our culture at Azzurri Group is what sets us apart, and there’s no employees about the environmental and social issues most Listening to our people and acting on their feedback is more doubt that this has helped us through the last year. Openness, important than it’s ever been, especially as restrictions are lifted important to them. honesty and respect for our people genuinely matters to us, and and they return to work. We had already established a regular we will continue to support all our team members through this employee engagement survey in Zizzi in 2019, and we continued challenging period and beyond. With so much uncertainty and this during the �irst lockdown, giving us lots of insight into what The top 3 key areas of importance to our many of our teams furloughed for long periods, our priority has our employees need and want from us. Speci�ic questions were been to keep everyone safe, connected and informed. We’re using designed to listen to teams’ concerns and to understand how teams were: all the channels available to us to ensure regular communication they were feeling at this time. On the whole, feedback has been from all levels of the organisation. During full lockdown this very positive; people feel we have responded appropriately to 60% of responders felt that it was important we choose included weekly updates from our CEO, Steve, telling people the Covid-19 pandemic, and it has been really encouraging to see suppliers who farm in an environmentally friendly way, with what we knew, when we knew it. Our dedicated Zizzi, ASK and loyalty, belief, satisfaction and overall engagement scores go up. Coco community apps have proved invaluable for staying in As we prepared to come out of lockdown, we conducted a survey high animal welfare standards, and use fairtrade or organic ingredients - sourcing ingredients from the UK is very important touch and supporting people – from signposting to our dedicated to ask our people how they felt about returning to work. Whilst to 35% of responders and fairly important to 28%. wellbeing support packs and �inancial advice, to starting online over 50% are happy to be coming back, 15% remain anxious. In conversations that bring people together. We have changed our response we are including sources of help and support in our Over 75% of responders believe it to be important to reduce Employee Assistance Provider to one that offers a range of training sessions and starting conversations around the signs of extensive virtual services available to all our employees and anxiety and how to seek support. Our aim this year is to roll out our plastic use and increase our recyclable packaging. their families, including easy access to 24/7 GP consultations, the engagement survey across all our brands and to check in The safety and mental well being of our teams is very important and mental health support. with employees to see how they are feeling about the return to to over 60% of responders. This data, alongside our customer work. Thanks to Zizzi’s partnership with the Mental Health Foundation, survey, will form the backbone of our 2025 strategy. we’ve been able to promote excellent support and resources for anyone experiencing stress or anxiety. We have a growing number of mental health �irst aiders across the business, and from 2021 line managers will be trained to spot the signs of any mental health challenges in their teams. They will be equipped to start conversations, to listen to people’s concerns, and to signpost further support where necessary. We intend to build on this partnership over the coming year with a focus on fundraising I could not be prouder to work for Zizzi right now. I have been telling my friends and family and training. how well senior leadership have dealt with the 8% pandemic with honesty and transparency. Overall 8% positive jump engagement in Promoters increased (Feb 2019 – Feb 2020) 03

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