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Azzurri Group Limited Sustainable Dining Update Report 2021 ENVIRONMENT & PLANET Reducing, repurposing and recycling waste Recycling food waste and redistributing surplus food Through our sustainable dining strategy, we’ve made solid For the last six years, we have been recycling food waste at most progress in managing our waste impacts from restaurants and ASK and Zizzi sites (those where we have direct control over ensured the subject is on the agenda of every member of staff. In waste arrangements). This consists mainly of any leftover food 2018, following a formal tender process, we appointed a new on customers’ plates, with some unavoidable waste from food waste and recycling partner in UKWSL (UK Waste Solutions) preparation. It is something we manage very closely and on with the aim of improving waste reduction and recycling at all which each site reports so we can ensure it is kept to a minimum. ASK and Zizzi sites where waste is directly under our control. This food waste is then collected by our contractors and taken to anaerobic digestion and composting plants, where the vast Over the three-year contract (which we’ve recently extended), majority is converted to energy, so it does not end up in land�ill. our overall targets included at least an 80% on-site recycling rate and diverting 99% of waste from land�ill. Although we’ve We also have arrangements in place, both directly and through fallen just short of our on-site recycling rate, we’ve achieved a lot our supply chain, to redistribute any surplus food to those who with a focused programme of staff engagement and education, need it most. Our partners include FareShare, who we’ve been auditing and analysing data to develop targeted site-level action working with since 2016, and The Felix Project, with whom Coco plans. These achievements were recognised in 2020 with an has been working in London since 2017. Both organisations play International CSR Excellence Award in the category of waste a vital role in rescuing surplus food from the food industry and management initiative in the retail, commercial and public delivering it to frontline charities and community organisations sector. – and we are glad to play our small part in the much-needed support they provide to local communities. To build on this success, our immediate plans include increasing REDUCE the scope of our UKWSL partnership to include Coco sites when Circa 7,000 bin collections they reopen. This will give us more consistency and a similar remove through MORE REUSE ability to reduce our waste impacts across the Coco estate. More than 57,000 meals created We’re also working to reduce the impacts of packaging across from surplus food via FareShare RECYCLE our brands. Our primary focus here has been Coco, as a 82% of all waste material quick-service brand offering food and drinks on the go. We had generated (by tonnage) set up a trial for 2020 to recycle coffee cups, pasta pots and RECOVER coffee grounds. Although this was delayed by the store closures 18% of waste material sent for energy recovery as a substitute for fossil fuels last year, it is something we will run and look to scale up quickly RESIDUAL as soon as possible. At the same time, we have a project team looking at packaging across the group, including ASK and Zizzi, Just over 600kg of waste material is sent to land�ill facilities from UK restaurants to see how we can optimise the formats and materials we use in takeaway packaging to reduce waste and maximise recycling rates. This is increasingly important with changing customer behaviour due to the ongoing COVID-related restrictions. We also know that the issue is a high priority for many of our customers and team members. 07

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