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APPENDIX 2 SASB CODE ACCOUNTING METRIC MATERIAL TOPICS RESPONSE FB-RN-430a.2 Percentage of (1) eggs that originated from a cage-free environment Sustainable Sourcing 100% Percentage of (2) pork that was produced without the use Sustainable Sourcing 43% of our main products come from gestation crate-free of gestation crates environments, 57% of our main pork products come from limited- gestation crate environments (compliant with local legislation and/or Red Tractor certi昀椀cations) FB-RN-430a.3 Discussion of strategy to manage environmental and social risks Sustainable Sourcing Refer to page 30 within the supply chain, including animal welfare Activity Metric FB-RN-000.A Number of (1) company-owned restaurants NA 214 Number of (2) franchise restaurants NA 0 FB-RN-000.B Number of employees at (1) company-owned NA 4500 Number of employees at (2) franchise locations NA 0

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