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IMPACT AREA COMMUNITY £13,000+ raised in support Investing in our people and creating better spaces to work is important to us of Choose Love’s and we realise the potential it has to transform communities. Ukraine appeal At Azzurri, we believe in the power of hospitality This approach also 昀椀ts with Coco di Mama’s and have committed to unlocking this potential approach. They have partnered with the Felix Project by providing all team members paid volunteering in London, raising funds and donating surplus food activities. Through these activities, we’ll invest over to help feed people in need. Azzurri also works with 100,000 volunteer hours in our communities. partner, Best Food Logistics, to ensure that any By focusing our volunteering on causes that are surplus food in the supply chain is donated to close to our hearts, we believe we can make FareShare. Building on these efforts, we’re aiming to 30,000+ a real difference. donate half a million meals by 2030. We’re promoting skills-based volunteering to We’re also ready to support our communities in meals donated to FareShare help team members put their know-how to good times of need. For instance, Zizzi has raised around and the Felix Project use. In 2022, our Azzurri Central teams formed £150,000 for the Mental Health Foundation in a partnership with London Youth, a charity that this 昀椀nancial year alone, helping bring the charity’s supports education and training opportunities for services closer to those who might bene昀椀t. In 2021 the most at-need youths in London. Through this following events in Europe, the Azzurri Group started Committed to volunteering partnership, we’re providing on the job life skills fundraising in support of individuals displaced by training, shadowing opportunities and mentorship, the war in Ukraine. ASK Italian took these efforts 100,000 as well as support with maintenance work at London further by raising awareness in restaurants and hours to support Youth centres. raised over £13,000 for Choose Love’s Ukraine local communities After raising over £1 million for the Great Ormond appeal, supporting projects that are providing vital Street Hospital Children’s Charity, and in response aid and services to those still in and 昀氀eeing the to the cost of living crisis and our communities’ country, including: emergency medical care, food, struggle with food security, ASK Italian is trialling shelter, clothes, legal support, mental health support, a new community 昀椀rst approach, supporting support for LGBTQIA+, BIPOC and marginalised local foodbanks via the Trussell Trust network. This communities. This is just one example of how we are transition makes a lot of sense for our teams who ready to respond to our communities’ needs, using want everyone to enjoy a good meal, whether in our our skills and our capabilities to have a better impact restaurants or at home. on people’s lives. £150,000 raised to support the Mental Health Foundation’s work

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