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GOVERNANCE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Our Recipe for a Better Future needs our teams to work together to make our 2030 Azzurri Group Goals a reality. In the past year, we improved our Claudia Candiotto, Head of Responsible Business accountability and governance systems, Kieran Pitcher, Commercial & Property Director so that sustainability is embedded throughout Stefan Porter, Purchasing & Supply Chain Director our structure. Matthew Grey, Finance Controller Jane Bon Bernard, People Director We created the Responsible Business department in October 2021 Adrian Vickery, Head of Property to drive our sustainability strategy and support our brands to achieve Lucy La Rana, Head of Quality & Safety their goals. At Board Level, sustainability is championed by the Com- mercial and Property Director and we appointed 11 sustainability leads across Azzurri Central, Coco di Mama, ASK Italian and Zizzi. ASK Italian These individuals are in unique positions to leverage their knowledge, maintain internal momentum and influence key decision making Corinne Prior, Marketing Director moments. In addition, Coco di Mama has also launched its own Amita Patel, Head of People com-mittee of ‘Changemakers’. This group meets monthly to discuss how to make progress on the 2030 Goals. To improve internal accountability, we set financial bonus links Coco di Mama to our sustainability metrics for key Azzurri Central departments. Jim Attwood, Managing Director We introduced a control system to frequently review KPIs for each Sara McKennedy, Commercial Brand Director brand. We run annual environmental, social and governance risk assessments that feed into the group’s annual risk assessment process reviewing salient issues and assigning suitable short and Zizzi long-term actions. Harry Heeley, Managing Director These new governance measures help us keep focused on our Paul Dunford, People Director Recipe for a Better Future. We’ve been working hard to evolve our Kathryn Turner, Food Development & Food sustainability strategy and set ambitious targets that put our business at Strategic Projects Director the forefront of our industry and on a journey to becoming a business the world needs – one that serves better for our communities and our planet.

2022 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 33 2022 | Sustainability Dining Report Page 32 Page 34