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CEO’S WELCOME Welcome to our latest sustainable dining report. Through Recipe for a Better Future, I’m taking personal Early on in my career I worked in busy restaurants and responsibility for accelerating our work on sustainability and kitchens. Everything I learnt in those roles I’ve carried with me – our people agenda, across our entire value chain. the importance of excellent customer service, an appreciation Central to this is our existing commitment to reach net zero of the right team of people around you, and the value of carbon emissions by 2040 and collaborate across the industry serving great food, every time. I’ve learnt the importance of the to transition to more sustainable food systems. In the pages of impact restaurants, and business more generally, can have on this report, you can read about our achievements so far and people and planet. These experiences have been a key driver our plans to ful昀椀l our ambition, including how we’re mapping for our progress over the past 12 months, and I’m excited to the carbon impact of every dish we serve. share that with you. And as for our people, the core of our business, we’re striving Firstly, it’s important to reaf昀椀rm that we are a people business. for more inclusive workplaces, where teams are rewarded Our 4,500 team members working across more than 220 fairly for their contributions and our people have plenty of restaurants and stores across the UK, form the beating heart of opportunities to grow. our business. This report outlines both our achievements so far and the And whilst we, like many others, continue to face turbulent areas we have yet to deliver, as we work hard to become a political and economic events, which inevitably affect our more sustainable business. Whilst we know this is a journey business operations, we remain steadfast in our commitment to of continuous improvement, we’re eager to keep sharing our building better food businesses that sustain happy, healthy progress with you. lives. This is our purpose and is more than just a statement. It’s something which guides our decision making and acts as a catalyst for long-term, positive change within our business. In the past year, we’ve re昀椀ned what we mean when we Steve Holmes say, ‘sustainable dining’, by crafting a unique framework Chief Executive Of昀椀cer that informs where we’re investing our efforts in the years to Azzurri Central Limited come. It’s our ‘Recipe for a Better Future’, and a framework that captures insights from a series of thoughtful analyses and provides a clear direction for our future impact. Fundamentally, it sets out our ambitious 2030 Goals, across three core areas - People, Planet and Plate.

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