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ABOUT THIS REPORT Welcome to our sustainable dining report for our Financial Year 2021-2022. We’re proud to share this past year’s journey to de昀椀ning our Recipe for a Better Future, an evolution of our sustainable dining plan. In the past year, we’ve re昀椀ned our work into a future-昀椀t approach that will guide our impact for years to come. We've streamlined and simplified our approach to sustainable dining across the group, condensing our previous five pillars – people, customers, suppliers, community, environment and planet - into three: People, Planet, and Plate. Within these three pillars, we’ve introduced twelve impact areas, re昀氀ecting our new and existing work to become a more responsible business. To accelerate our progress, we’re committing to a series of 2030 Goals that provide clarity and focus to our previous efforts, and frame our contribution to the planetary goals listed by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We’re also integrating Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics into our reporting, so that we can be more transparent with our progress. We’ll share more about process for target setting in the coming pages.

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