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IMPACT AREA WASTE 90% Reducing waste is a core focus of our business. In the past year alone, of our used cooking oil our managed restaurants have achieved over 99% waste diversion is turned into biodiesel from land昀椀ll through increased recycling, anaerobic digestion of food waste and other programmes focused on key ingredients. We work closely with Novati (formerly UK Waste to keep ingredients safe and fresher for longer. Solutions) at over 130 sites to make this possible and We’ve rolled out steel gastro tubs and reduced look for opportunities to unlock our waste’s potential. the annual usage by around 90%, or almost 2 million One example is our cooking oil; once discarded, we blue bags a year. divert more than 90% from land昀椀ll via Olleco, who turns Plastic comes in various forms, and reducing our own 99% waste oil into biodiesel. We’re committed to keeping waste also means not contributing to land昀椀ll through land昀椀ll diversion from up our zero to land昀椀ll goal and work with our landlord- our packaging. Since COVID-19, out-of-restaurant restaurants managed sites to ensure that happens. In addition, we orders have signi昀椀cantly increased, especially with run on-site segregation programmes and celebrate Coco di Mama’s nationwide dark kitchens. We’re leading restaurants with quarterly recognition. increasing recyclable packaging and ensuring Our Azzurri Central teams continue to motivate and 100% of our packaging is widely recyclable for any support restaurants to increase on-site recycling and deliveries and products sold through retailers. Adhering 90% review new opportunities to reduce waste, including to WRAP’s guidance, we identi昀椀ed widely recyclable reduced annual usage of food- food waste. Through our 2030 Goals, we’ve materials as those that can be collected for recycling committed to reduce our food waste across the group by over 75% of local authorities and use these materials safe single-use plastic bags by 15% from our 2021-2022 baseline of 1,128,000 as the basis for our packaging. kg. We’re tackling food waste reduction through Avoiding single-use plastics and instead using alter- more attentive stock management, team training and native sustainable materials and sustainably certi昀椀ed donation of surplus food to entities such as the Felix or recycled sources of paper is also key to our waste Project and FareShare. goal. We’re currently over halfway through our com- As we roll out more resources to our kitchen teams, mitment and continue to deliver improvements, such as we’re also reviewing the impact these might have. launching widely recyclable pasta bowls in 2023. We By introducing new quick service restaurant (QSR) want to make it easy for customers to choose our out- management systems, we’ve digitalised much of the of-restaurant options, knowing they are more sustain- 3 million back of house order system removing three million able, with packaging that can be reused or recycled. back of house paper pieces of paper from Zizzi kitchens. We’ve also reduced the reliance on blue bags; plastic bags used orders cut down

2022 | Sustainability Dining Report - Page 24 2022 | Sustainability Dining Report Page 23 Page 25