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Azzurri Group Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 LOWER QUARTILE LOWER MIDDLE QUARTILE We have 16 shops and 132 delivery kitchens with 170 employees. Coco doesn’t hit the 250 + employee Male Female Male Female requirement for government reporting but full transparency is important to us. This year we have no median pay gap and our mean pay gap has also narrowed. Coco is a largely female business, but we have had more males move into management this year. 32% 68% 49% 51% MEAN Female 7. 5% UPPER MIDDLE QUARTILE UPPER QUARTILE Male Male Female Male Female MEDIAN 35% Female 65% 51% 49% 0.0% Male BONUS MEAN Female 49.1% % RECEIVING A BONUS Male Female Male BONUS MEDIAN Female 19.8% 18.5% Male −103.5% 6

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