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OUR 2030 GOALS Our ‘Recipe for a Better Future’ 2030 Goals are designed to shift our ways of working and focus on serving better by impacting those areas that matter the most to our people and the planet. PEOPLE PLANET PLATE GROWING POTENTIAL CARBON, ENERGY AND WATER SUSTAINABLE DIETS By 2030, we will have helped 10,000 individuals enter By 2025, we will launch a robust environmental management By 2025, we aim to provide the carbon footprint the job market through apprenticeships, internships, work system, allowing us to monitor and set annual consumption of items sold or listed in our brands’ menus. experience placements and job and life skills training. reduction targets for energy and water. By 2030, we aim for at least 65% of the dishes listed By 2025,at least 70% of our positions will be filled by internal By 2040, we will achieve net zero emissions on our brands’ menus to be low or very low carbon impact. candidates as we expand our training proposition to promote across our operations and supply chain. internal career mobility. HEALTH AND NUTRITION WASTE By 2025, all our kids’ menus will meet PHE targets WELLBEING, REWARD AND RECOGNITION By 2025, all our out of restaurant packaging for sugar, salt, fat and calories. By 2030, all employees aged 18+ will receive pay that will be widely recyclable. exceeds the national living wage. By 2030, we will have cut our food waste by15%. SUSTAINABLE SOURCING By 2025, we will sign up to the Mental Health at Work Building on our existing commitments to source sustainably Commitment and provide mental health training to 100% SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION certified seafood, palm oil, free-range eggs and meat, of our leaders to develop supportive work environments. by 2030, we will also source sustainably certified rice, By 2025, all new restaurants and restaurant fit-outs will be built sugar and coffee. to the standards set out in our new sustainable design and COMMUNITY construction policy. By 2030, we will sustainably source our uniforms, paper By 2025, we will provide all team members with volunteering products, and work with suppliers who use sustainable opportunities, investing 100,000 volunteer hours in local Expanding on our existing zero-to-landfill commitment, by 2025 alternatives to soy in animal feed and avoid the routine use communities by 2030. we aim to send zero waste to landfill from 100% restaurant fit of prophylactic antibiotics. outs and new builds. By 2030, we will donate half a million meals to people in need. By 2030, we will invest in diverse and resilient supply chains by increasing spending with local suppliers by 10% and INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY increasing spending with suppliers from minority backgrounds and sustainably certi昀椀ed organisations by 20%. By 2025, we will be a signatory to BITC’s Race at Work charter and build out our full diversity and inclusion strategy.

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